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Dave Dictor, the Duke of Dead Cops

Here is my interview with Dave Dictor from my favorite Hardcore Punk Band, Millions of Dead Cops —  


Q: Historically, punk rock has been the music of rebellion and going against conventional wisdom, defying herd mentality, and blazing through the mindless shitheads who fill up the media today; do you still think that you have something to say, new themes in your songs, or are you just pissing off the same old people?


A: I think the cleverest of punk writers out there are indeed taking on issues of political abuse and isolation and confusion very well. Biafra for one and the Star Fucking Hipsters for another are prolific and hard hitting I’d Like to think MDC is as well. It’s a more fucked up world in many respects then from when we started. The threshold of planet earth, we are doomed.




Q: Your group has historically offended a lot of people on the right, and you are associated, along with the Dead Kennedys and the alumni of the scene, as being very left-wing. Who pisses you off the most in politics and why?


A: Currently I am galled how the Sarah Palin’s, Michelle Bachman’s and Glen Beck’s are so appealing to people. One shouldn’t be shocked … There truly are right wing campaign’s that take place under the radar that continually smear say Obama or Code Pink or George Soros. It has been going on continually and it’s just the newest outbreak of lunacy.But they are getting more sophisticated. Twenty-four fox news is all fear and distortion all the time.




Q: Your music, for the last 20 years or so, has bothered a lot of Christians. What are your feelings towards Christianity, and religion in general?


A: Most Christians I know … get where I am coming from. There is a rather large slice of the thin skin Christians who think that a multicultural celebration of holidays is a war against Christianity. They think they are under attack led by the world. What can you say about people that discount facts for faith. What can you say to people that believe dinosaurs walked the earth 5000 years ago and as a point of faith reject science, carbon dating and other facts to keep their world view intact.




Q: What do you think about censorship, and it’s effect on creativity?


A: Very general question that can be expounded to no end upon. Of course censorship prevents freedom of expression. Look at Islam where criticism of it can lead to a death sentence. Poor Salmon Rushdee and all the gay people living in those types of world’s. One slip can lead to your death.




There has always been a pressure for people to act according to society’s rules. Through all time this pressure has existed. It to some degree the method societies use to keep themselves together. The question of course is at what cost? The pressure for people, especially kids, to act a certain way, is very serious. It’s called conformity. Punk rants against certain conformities and I am part of that cultural movement that tries to break away from cultural norms. Songs like Why Is America So Straight and Me So Bent tackles part of this topic head on. That is the difference between 1950’s rock and punk rock, which was about meeting Betty Lou at the sock hop. Still in it’s time Elvis Pressley, Buddy Holly and Jackie Wilson were real pioneers getting people to shake their hips when being so suggestive was considered lewd. But times change and what was once lewd becomes passe’. Punk will hopefully make its a adjustments. I lived through an era you could get your ass kicked for donning a mohawk. Now Mr T sells Snickers with his mohawk. And better dominatrix’s don tribal piercings and tattoos. That wasn’t so in the early 1980’s..




Q: What do you think about the precendent in society, especially here in the US, where a guy is taught that the jock, heterosexual sports and drinking beer lifestyle is the only way to be?


A:Well being a jock is the most glorifying thing going on in the world. Look at the Stupid Bowl. One hundred million viewers chugging their Bud Lights. It’s part of the conformity that keeps 85% ready to kill people they don’t know in Iraq, Vietnam, etc etc. Hey but look at Beckham in the UK, it’s a human thing.




Q: Who are some of your favorite bands, historically and current?


I grew during the Beatles, sixties AM radio days, Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding,Jefferson Airplane. I also loved The The Rolling Stones and The Yardbirds and Bob Dylan and Cream I mean loved it! I saw the Stones in 1973 at Madison Square Gardens open up with Brown Sugar. Then class of 1977 came about … and it was really excellent and so needed to happen. Elvis Costello, Blondie, Patti Smith, The Ramones , Devo, the Runaways, Talking Heads and on and on, it was really great to watch it all happen. I had drifted down to Austin,Texas as a big Willie Nelson fan and thought I had some songwriting talent for that genre of music. Trying to meet music people, I quickly gravitated to the punk bar Rauls, right on the college strip just 150 feet from my house. I found the young New Wave and Punk scene much more fun, assessable and encouraging towards my creative urges. Early on it was The Huns and The Skunks, Sharen Tate’s Baby eventually The Big Boys and The Dicks. Then Black Flag, Crass, The Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks. Through the years Tribe 8, Op Ivy, Sister Double Happiness and eventually Left Over Crack and Star Fucking Hipsters. I have left out many, sorry you all.




Q: What is MDC up to nowadays? Writing, recording, playing acoustic unplugged shows?


A: Yeah those things plus working on a video, trying to compile about 30 videos to make a best of. We have 3 tours coming up …Here in April with the Subhumans. June with The Dayglo Abortions and then in Europe where we’ll play Rebellion Festival , Scandanavia, The UK and Ireland. So this year 110 gigs and a lot of work.




Q: You’re obviously not averse to offending people who you think are being wrong, do you feel that sometimes people are just pussies?


A: Pussies are a loaded word. But the whole crew thing with X’s on the hands in the 1980’s was conservative backlash to 1970’s punk. People in general are creatures of habit and really mostly went to be left alone. Challenging them to think and take sides makes many nervous. People are scared of their on shadows and they realize that their system of belief is built on a foundation of sand.




Q: How do you feel about the straight edge movement, and other punk purists? How do you feel about how some people have tried to compartmentalize punk into so many subgenres and exclude other people? Theres a section of punk rockers who exclude anyone who drinks alcohol, and even a section that abhors gay people. Shouldn’t punk be for all people?




Yeah I brushed on this a minute ago. I understand where Ian McKaye was coming from but the Boston straight edge scene with it’s street hockey ethos was pretty conservative. I lived through the scene breaking up into pieces in 1982 , 83 and such. It was sad to realize MDC, The Misfits, The Bad Brains, The Necros etc had various and differing views of reality and what change they were each fighting for.


Q: Are you familiar with the teachings of Mr. Anton Lavey?


A-Yeah a little …I believe he’s a hedonist who preaches for all to do what you want despite society’s norms and laws. It sounds good but can lead to weird things.




Q: If you could ask Satan one thing, or say one thing to him, what would it be?


A: Really really not sure….




Q: So I hear you in an interview mention Leftover Crack. Do you feel that the punk ideals that you helped lay down have been successfully handed down in the new age? Or is it all becoming whiny cliche bullshit?


A: I site them so obviously I am a fan. But putting ones ideals into a day to day lifestyle can be tricky. I wish them well with it.




Q: What do you think about some of the current punk pundits that are the most vocal, like Jello Biafra (whom you were quite familiar with at one time, im told), Fat Mike from NOFX, and Ian McKaye?


A: Love Biafra though he is a trip , Mike made punk accessible to the masses and to wear Vans Sneakers… and I admire and love Ian.


Q: If you could punch anyone in the face, and I mean anyone, who would it be?


A: Believe it or not no one comes to mind. George W Bush ought to spend his life doing relief work in an Iraqi ghetto camp for childen with missing limbs. I know he is just a pawn. I reallllly hate Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and that whole fascist crowd that funds them and causes so much schism..




Q; I’m pretty familiar with a lot of musicians, and i have a lot of friends in the music business, including the Mentors. I heard you and El Duce and the Mentors had some times way back. Thoughts/sweet memories you care to share?


A: Yeah El Duce was a friend of mine. I’m gonna talk about him in the book I am writing. He slept over my house in San Francisco in 1986 or so. He came over my house after his performance plastered drunk, he drank my female roommates piss mixed with whiskey out of a dog bowl at my house. Crashed in my bed, I had to lay out $150 to fly him home. And he paid back one week later when we played Fenders Ballroom in Long Beach. He is the real deal. I wouldn’t send my daughter to his summer camp either.




Q: I had a lot of talks with Mr. Noam Chomsky through the last two years, and I at one time was a close friend of the Socialist Action party president, but that disappated and i am much more interested in helping people in an organic way that by the point of Communism, which was motivated by many things, mostly because for Communism to be put into action, it requires a lot of cooperation with the government, which is not something I can stand by. Are you just into helping the people, and helping people help themselves, or are you a full-on Commie? And do you feel that the government has a duty to the people, or that they should just butt the fuck out?


A: I love Chomsky. Read his child development and language development stuff as well as his anti-imperialist stuff which is great. Suggest all to read The People’s History Of The United States by Howard Zinn. I am not a full on commie. The ideal society is one that takes care of the masses with their heath, education and welfare. That protects the ecosystem of the planet and does not allow so few to exert so much control over what happens on this planet.




Q: As the singer of Millions of Dead Cops, what do you feel the position of police is in a modern society? In “No More Cops” you made the more radical assumption that they should be abolished, has this view changed any?


A: It seems crazy that one should believe we could live without the Police. Maybe some Community Health Monitors or some shit. In my 55 years on this planet I have seen the police to little good. I mean let them go after serial killers but Communities could set up there own way to deal with trouble.




Q: To paraphrase the Dead Kennedys, do you think that Nazi Punks should Fuck Off? Does it bother you that the style of music you play is being used to recruit youth into Nazism?


A: Punk is rebellion and right wing rebellion has been there since the beginning. I have had Right wing Germans Sieg Heil me during John Wayne thinking I was glorifying him. I have known more than a few right wingers that loved Millions Of Dead Cops.


Q: Do you stay in contact with any of your fellow punks of yesteryear, i.e. the Dicks, Big Boys, etc.,?


A: Yes I am friends with gary Floyd and did a radio interview with him there not to long ago. Randy Biscuits of the Big Boys passed and that is way sad. I did a mini tour with Nicki Sicki, of Verbal Abuse, last year. We played with DRI in Portland 6 months ago. It was good to see Spike and Kurt.


Q: Why are you a vegetarian, and what can going veggie do for humanity?


A:Veggetarian is one of the most realistic ways you can change the world. I really don’t get why everyone is so lazy or thoughtless. Animals are Earthlings … we treat them terribly.




Q: If I told you that I wanted to marry you, would you understand I was just appreciating you in a semi-hetero sort of way?


Who are you…? I’d think about it in a semi hetero sort of way. My last long term lover just told me they were over being my life coach. I’m single and 14 years hard drugs clean and no alcohol. And my pecker works most days.




Q: Would you like to appear doing a voice on my cartoon, using the intense power of punk rock to destroy a gigantic Christian monster pent on world domination?


A: I would love to.




Q: Any parting words for the readers at






Be true, be blue, be kind, don’t follow the mindless mob, and don’t be petty. Love yourself and enjoy this so called life as much as you can but keep your values.



continued arguments.

Here is the continuation of the piece; “An Argument For and Against Capitalism”

Person Five:  

my parents were poor as fuck but i supported them. they both were work a holics but they did not make enough cash to cover rent, bills and food. i moved away from home at 17 in 1980 but i still carried on supporting them because they did t…heir best as they slaved away at crap jobs , i saw it as my duty to help them out. capitalism is a nasty killer system. as a kid me and mom went out after the food stores shut to get the food they threw out. even tho the nasty guards threatened us with guns. saying rude shit to mom like “why don’t u come here and shop like “normal people”. my mom said “do u think we like to go through your garbage to get some food?, we paid our rent and not much was left for rent”. ah yes the u.s.a. the best nation on earth. what a bunch of SHIT!! i learned that at a young age. i think we must be self reliant. free of state control. stop being consumers of useless crap. i see all the debate about socialism vs capitalism. well how about folks going off the grid and becoming self reliant. sure as a kid in the ghetto in the 60s and 70s this was not really going on as far as i was aware.
i attended the black panther breakfast program in the late 60s because of my economic status, i am not black, so the reason i was accepted in the program was purely economic. it was a community effort for us kids in the ghetto.
i do think it is crazy to expect help from the greedy capitalists , after all they want us to be hooked to their system. my parents never applied for help via the system. they were immigrants anyways. after all the system was too busy waging wars around the world to gain profits for the greedy capitalist power structure. the main motto for capitalism is “expand or die”
here”s hoping there is a revolt in the u.s.! fight the power.
Person Two:  

Your views are negative against a group of people who are SAID to be capitlists. When you hear “capitalist”, you’ve been programmed to see an old white man swimming in a pool of money naked with a gold dollar sign medallion. This is old and… outdated thinking. EVERYONE has options for survival and to thrive. Capitalism is a very base system, and interpretations of that doctrine of individuality are varied and some are negative! But you blaming capitalism for all the ills of the world is like me blaming the doctrine of Christ for all the superstitious “god-inspired” murders, or the tragedy in Guyana. You cant blame an idea for real-life problems, its the institution of the ideas that become troublesome.
Person Three:  

I have seen many instances of Christianity that lived up to its Ideals. I have seen instances of socialism that have lived up to its ideals. I have seen instances in which both have failed. I have seen not one instance in which capitalism h…as been anything other than a greedy moral quagmire. Libertarians prate on about the free market being distorted by corporatism or corruption or conspiracies but they have never and can never show a single instance of their free market Utopia ever working anywhere at any time. And do you know why? Because you will NEVER get social benevolence out of a system based on cold blooded self-interests. I don’t care what Ayn Rand spouted on about the virtues of selfishness- Giraffes never breed Hippos.
Person Two: Ive never seen an example of socialism working in a real-life setting. That is why it is the moral version of a board game, or something of the like. Youre asking for a capitalistic UTOPIA, because you know a perfect society cant exist. Socialism IS utopianism, a giant pipe dream leading to its own defeat. Capitalism is great in that a business, ANY business, cannot exist without it. Certainly not Facebook, or whatever company makes your sex toys.
Person Three:  

There are plenty of instances in which socialism has worked or is working right now. Chiapas has been a socialist success for over a decade now. Venezuala despite the propaganda has lifted thousand out of dire poverty under Chavez. Others w…eren’t so lucky. The Anarcho-syndicalists in Northern Spain during the Civil War were successful until they were crushed by the combined force of Stalinism, Fascism, and Republicanism. In every instance capitalism unchecked has had to rely on radical state intervention to bail it out of its own mess because it cannibalizes the tax-created infrastructure every time. It is a pathetic mess. You have no argument. Every time I bring up a point you rely on simple minded rhetoric and never address the fact that most of the world is in abject poverty and most of the world is capitalist. Or you try for some juvenile ad hominem attack. Sex toys, really? Who needs that shit when you have skype and the numerous women who want your to utilize it with them. Well, numerous for me- for you it seems unlikely!
Person Two:  

I always address the point, but you choose to repeat the same entirely wrongly-minded points over and over again. I cant repeat myself to you EVERY time, but the point is, Chiapas is a violent part of a violent country, of which the entire …government is corrupt and the “kind’ socialistically sanctioned police force assaults the populace. Chavez is a sick bastard and also an anti-freedom of speech personality. Poverty is STILL ridiculous there, and crime and murder rates are some of the highest in the world. Chavez is also a dictator. How about your other hero, Castro? Lenin was an all-around dick as well! If Socialism creates quality, why are women regarded in the lowest way in Latin America and Cuba, and healthcare is despicable? As to the point you think Im avoiding, I.e., poverty? Poverty is a problem that has been around since the dawn of civilization, but all people are given the opportunity to GET a job in America because the capitalist “wage slavemasters” PAY people to work to make money, for them and their bosses. Most of the world, capitalist? Major countries follow a profit and work framework. For a group of people who seem to value labor so much, I dont see why you dont understand that people labor to make money, to buy things. Its simple. No commerce, no money, no THINGS, no comfort. Capitalism is what started this country, free enterprise, as well as enabling the POOR to work and survive. The government has no business babysitting everyone fm cradle to the grave.

As for the Anarcho-Syndicalists, any commune has not prospered unless it was really just people crashing in the same place. A “government-shaped” commune, with laws and a setup etc., have been failures.

Capitalism, as an idea, is great. In action, it is up to the person to make it work. Socialism relies upon a governmental power to organize, so any self-respecting liberty-minded individual, i.e., libertarian/anarchist type, would be sickened by the government having control of the entirety of the power behind life and death. Its a bullshit idea that is ENTIRELY impossible to implement in a developed nation like the US. Thats a promise.

Person Three:  

You no what it? I take it all back. Capitalism is precisely and efficiently successful. When a few are profiting at the expense of the many that is the measure of the success of an ideology that has no other concern in life other than profi…t at all costs. Hell, even fascism has some sense of a society or a community to justify it! Society, community, humanity in general- these only factor into the equation when it turns a buck. One can not think of an ideology that more closely approximates the world view of a sociopath. Capitalism is amorality elevated to a metaphysical principle. You can try to justify it through some bullshit belief in “meritocracy.” That “merit” is just the merit of a con-man being good at lying. I don’t care what you tell yourself to sleep at night. By definition capitalism is concerned with only profit. Only a moron tries to hem and haw about how this will magically transform into the good of all. It doesn’t and can’t by its very definition. I will never trick myself into believing white is black like you have. I though will stick to a rational and compassionate understanding of life.
Person Two:  

Your view is by no stretch of the imagination rational. To love others is a virtue, and to have family is a great choice, and helping the poor and the lesser-thans, so to speak, is fantastic. But all people who survive are being capitalists…. The problem that even INTELLIGENT leftist writers fail to understand is that they use compound terms like “capitalist government” as a means to create a visual of a cold, uncaring machine. “Amorality” is the choice of a person, and if a person IS a capitalist and chooses not to care about prisons or homeless people, that is his choice. But you and others like you seem to ignore that the people you hate, you hate not because of their political inclinations, its by their choices and how they present themselves. You cant think that capitalists are just waiting for things to become magically better, because it is up to PEOPLE to make it better. I think you’re negating people of other viewpoints is bigoted and rude, and as a former socialist and a prominent organizer of socialist ideaology, I CAN and WILL counter all your arguments with intellect and fervor. I am above making the crux of my argument a mere personal thing, and you seem to ignore that there are just as many people who are socialists who are cold, unfeeling people as there are in any other political facet. People are people, and just because you are a socialist doesnt make you an asshole. Mr. Ervin, above, who is a well-thought-out individual and a writer of several pamphlets which I have read, is not presenting himself as you are, as a sophomoric and ignorant prick, pissing on my leg over your pussy excuse for an argument. I am entirely opposed to your views of what has happened in the US, and I suggest you think about the error of wanting a welfare state, a state-socialist fascist empire where a rigid set of rules enslave the many just as you seem to think the government is doing now. There are problems in all civilizations, but on the whole, the United States is a place of individual freedom. Even as there are horrible issues with it, (I.e. the prison system, religious fundamentalism, murder), you can find those things in any continent on the globe. Dont dog America, because you are given the freedom to be your own person, whether you choose to take it or not.See More
We’re talking with Justin Moyer, aka Edie Sedgwick, about making a music video. We’ll keep you checked in on that!
— keep it surreal
— tom, (of the Hive)


I unintentionally tend to make long, spiely, all-encompassing posts and lists, but with my eclectic taste, I couldnt tell you all my favorite writers.

I will, however, give thanks to what may be one of my bigger influences in writing Living Evil, Mr. H.P. Lovecraft.

Lovecraft was best known for his science fiction and horror, but he was also a profound and talented poet. He once wrote;

Out of the reaches of illimitable night
The blazing planet grew, and forc’d to life
Unending cycles of progressive strife
And strange mutations of undying light

— “Waste Paper”, HP Lovecraft

He was a very dark and pessimistic writer, whose versions of the various worlds, and his cynical background, has been a VERY large  influence on my version of earth in Living Evil.

Here are a few links that go directly to freely published works of Lovecraft, mostly at Wikisource ( http://en.wikisource.org/ )






HERE IS MORE INFO AT WIKIPEDIA; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._P._Lovecraft


Here is my artistic rendering of Mr. Lovecraft — DW Merritt

—— keep it surreal

— the mgmt.

Dont come back, NORCO doomed

I have spent a relatively eventful 48 hours working on the show and with various outlets.


I made some designs that our friend Tion ‘Bukue One” Torrence ( http://www.bukue.bancamp.com ) may use on an upcoming album, in exchange for some shoes from Osiris ( http://www.osirisshoes.com/ )


I did some artwork, as well as archiving some totally random archive footage for the show, that I lifted from a disc copy of Brittanica ReadyReference (Oh the wonders of random images and footage)


I then watched Space Ghost Coast to Coast ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boc5JfvtB28 )

as well as The Outer Limits ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgsQCwHHqoI )


I listened to the magical space rhythm of the late, great, Sun Ra (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVqDOaiIcJk )


and am about to read Richard Yates’ Revolutionary Road ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Road )


I also watched clips from shows that we shall be lifting in the pilot.



We’ve added a new header image of Growthy, added our logo on the sidebar and added our modified versions of Sundial to the LOD page; ( https://smorning.wordpress.com/all-in-the-family/ )

keep it surreal,

the mgmt.

On and On and On


I’ve been rather busy this week, being productive and whatnot.

I came into a new flash drive to replace the old one, which had a bunch of random pictures on it that you can expect to see on new Sunday Morning releases.


I’ve been doing pictures for people on Facebook;


Making mashups for the soundtrack (Which i will be uploading for your listening and free downloading pleasure, via any of the website’s best file holders, which i will then plug for you, here or in the taskbar.


They will also be on YouTube, and linked courtesy of the videos and edia section to your upper right hand corner;



as well as making the newest teaser trailer for Living Evil;



Also, I wrote down at least 100 ideas with my co-producer Ryan (Pete Sexoffender)  for the show, and I will have pictures of our doodles available for viewing and downloading on here.


We have organized and linked and archived the almost ENTIRE soundtrack and we will have the list of available non-US youtube links and myspaces for the songs available, all current facebook/website data for the groups can be found, as per the usual, at



To be the man, you gotta beat the BACON!



keep it surreal,

the mgmt.

(from Johnny Plotkin)

Fallin’ Ditch Finally Got His Bones.

Rarely to the proper exaltation, but always of the utmost inspiration, Don van Vliet is one of my favorite singers, as well as the leader of one of te greatest bands of the 60’s-70’s. —

Or should I say WAS.

Without a single fucking soul informing me, I checked Captain Beefheart’s Wikipedia page every three weeks every month for the last 6 monthes, for inspiration, and to see if any recent developements had taken place.

I was talking to Jeff Mooridian, Jr., drummer of noise-rock band Vaz (Which I stylize VAZ or V@Z), and upon going to his page to send a message, I saw a few Beefheart videos, Don’s knowing gaze and second-thase goatee-and-hat attire drawing my eye in. As I further inspected it and nodded my head to a live version of ‘She’s Too Much For My Mirror’, which comes from Beefheart and the Magic Band’s 1969 avant-garde masterpiece Trout Mask Replica, one of my favorite albums of all time, in the same league as “The Velvet Underground and Nico” by The Velvet Underground.

I scrolled down about four centimeters, and I see an epitaph for Don Van Vliet, the enigmatic Captain Beefheart.

Don was a megalomaniac, who would do anything to see his vision followed to the letter. He frequently bullied other members of his band, including voice actor on our show, and former Magic Band bassist, Mark Boston, (Rockette Morton). He lied about his life, and was very stubborn to very genuine people who cared about him. But as it stands, as is the case with The United States of America’s Joe Byrd, and the Smashing Pumpkins’ Bill Corgan, it seems with talent, sometimes also comes an unavoidable need to self-destruct, and hurt those around you.

Despite this, Don was one of the most truly influential singers and inventive minds out there, and I dont know if Living Evil’s script would have been written if it wasnt for Trout Mask Replica.

We will always miss you captain.

“I will not sleep ’til I find you.” — Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band,’My Head is My Only House Unless it Rains”.


keep it surreal.

— Dottie Mogwai, on behalf of the Hive of Dukes,

—- the management