Tag Archives: punk rock

Dave Dictor, the Duke of Dead Cops

Here is my interview with Dave Dictor from my favorite Hardcore Punk Band, Millions of Dead Cops —  


Q: Historically, punk rock has been the music of rebellion and going against conventional wisdom, defying herd mentality, and blazing through the mindless shitheads who fill up the media today; do you still think that you have something to say, new themes in your songs, or are you just pissing off the same old people?


A: I think the cleverest of punk writers out there are indeed taking on issues of political abuse and isolation and confusion very well. Biafra for one and the Star Fucking Hipsters for another are prolific and hard hitting I’d Like to think MDC is as well. It’s a more fucked up world in many respects then from when we started. The threshold of planet earth, we are doomed.




Q: Your group has historically offended a lot of people on the right, and you are associated, along with the Dead Kennedys and the alumni of the scene, as being very left-wing. Who pisses you off the most in politics and why?


A: Currently I am galled how the Sarah Palin’s, Michelle Bachman’s and Glen Beck’s are so appealing to people. One shouldn’t be shocked … There truly are right wing campaign’s that take place under the radar that continually smear say Obama or Code Pink or George Soros. It has been going on continually and it’s just the newest outbreak of lunacy.But they are getting more sophisticated. Twenty-four fox news is all fear and distortion all the time.




Q: Your music, for the last 20 years or so, has bothered a lot of Christians. What are your feelings towards Christianity, and religion in general?


A: Most Christians I know … get where I am coming from. There is a rather large slice of the thin skin Christians who think that a multicultural celebration of holidays is a war against Christianity. They think they are under attack led by the world. What can you say about people that discount facts for faith. What can you say to people that believe dinosaurs walked the earth 5000 years ago and as a point of faith reject science, carbon dating and other facts to keep their world view intact.




Q: What do you think about censorship, and it’s effect on creativity?


A: Very general question that can be expounded to no end upon. Of course censorship prevents freedom of expression. Look at Islam where criticism of it can lead to a death sentence. Poor Salmon Rushdee and all the gay people living in those types of world’s. One slip can lead to your death.




There has always been a pressure for people to act according to society’s rules. Through all time this pressure has existed. It to some degree the method societies use to keep themselves together. The question of course is at what cost? The pressure for people, especially kids, to act a certain way, is very serious. It’s called conformity. Punk rants against certain conformities and I am part of that cultural movement that tries to break away from cultural norms. Songs like Why Is America So Straight and Me So Bent tackles part of this topic head on. That is the difference between 1950’s rock and punk rock, which was about meeting Betty Lou at the sock hop. Still in it’s time Elvis Pressley, Buddy Holly and Jackie Wilson were real pioneers getting people to shake their hips when being so suggestive was considered lewd. But times change and what was once lewd becomes passe’. Punk will hopefully make its a adjustments. I lived through an era you could get your ass kicked for donning a mohawk. Now Mr T sells Snickers with his mohawk. And better dominatrix’s don tribal piercings and tattoos. That wasn’t so in the early 1980’s..




Q: What do you think about the precendent in society, especially here in the US, where a guy is taught that the jock, heterosexual sports and drinking beer lifestyle is the only way to be?


A:Well being a jock is the most glorifying thing going on in the world. Look at the Stupid Bowl. One hundred million viewers chugging their Bud Lights. It’s part of the conformity that keeps 85% ready to kill people they don’t know in Iraq, Vietnam, etc etc. Hey but look at Beckham in the UK, it’s a human thing.




Q: Who are some of your favorite bands, historically and current?


I grew during the Beatles, sixties AM radio days, Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding,Jefferson Airplane. I also loved The The Rolling Stones and The Yardbirds and Bob Dylan and Cream I mean loved it! I saw the Stones in 1973 at Madison Square Gardens open up with Brown Sugar. Then class of 1977 came about … and it was really excellent and so needed to happen. Elvis Costello, Blondie, Patti Smith, The Ramones , Devo, the Runaways, Talking Heads and on and on, it was really great to watch it all happen. I had drifted down to Austin,Texas as a big Willie Nelson fan and thought I had some songwriting talent for that genre of music. Trying to meet music people, I quickly gravitated to the punk bar Rauls, right on the college strip just 150 feet from my house. I found the young New Wave and Punk scene much more fun, assessable and encouraging towards my creative urges. Early on it was The Huns and The Skunks, Sharen Tate’s Baby eventually The Big Boys and The Dicks. Then Black Flag, Crass, The Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks. Through the years Tribe 8, Op Ivy, Sister Double Happiness and eventually Left Over Crack and Star Fucking Hipsters. I have left out many, sorry you all.




Q: What is MDC up to nowadays? Writing, recording, playing acoustic unplugged shows?


A: Yeah those things plus working on a video, trying to compile about 30 videos to make a best of. We have 3 tours coming up …Here in April with the Subhumans. June with The Dayglo Abortions and then in Europe where we’ll play Rebellion Festival , Scandanavia, The UK and Ireland. So this year 110 gigs and a lot of work.




Q: You’re obviously not averse to offending people who you think are being wrong, do you feel that sometimes people are just pussies?


A: Pussies are a loaded word. But the whole crew thing with X’s on the hands in the 1980’s was conservative backlash to 1970’s punk. People in general are creatures of habit and really mostly went to be left alone. Challenging them to think and take sides makes many nervous. People are scared of their on shadows and they realize that their system of belief is built on a foundation of sand.




Q: How do you feel about the straight edge movement, and other punk purists? How do you feel about how some people have tried to compartmentalize punk into so many subgenres and exclude other people? Theres a section of punk rockers who exclude anyone who drinks alcohol, and even a section that abhors gay people. Shouldn’t punk be for all people?




Yeah I brushed on this a minute ago. I understand where Ian McKaye was coming from but the Boston straight edge scene with it’s street hockey ethos was pretty conservative. I lived through the scene breaking up into pieces in 1982 , 83 and such. It was sad to realize MDC, The Misfits, The Bad Brains, The Necros etc had various and differing views of reality and what change they were each fighting for.


Q: Are you familiar with the teachings of Mr. Anton Lavey?


A-Yeah a little …I believe he’s a hedonist who preaches for all to do what you want despite society’s norms and laws. It sounds good but can lead to weird things.




Q: If you could ask Satan one thing, or say one thing to him, what would it be?


A: Really really not sure….




Q: So I hear you in an interview mention Leftover Crack. Do you feel that the punk ideals that you helped lay down have been successfully handed down in the new age? Or is it all becoming whiny cliche bullshit?


A: I site them so obviously I am a fan. But putting ones ideals into a day to day lifestyle can be tricky. I wish them well with it.




Q: What do you think about some of the current punk pundits that are the most vocal, like Jello Biafra (whom you were quite familiar with at one time, im told), Fat Mike from NOFX, and Ian McKaye?


A: Love Biafra though he is a trip , Mike made punk accessible to the masses and to wear Vans Sneakers… and I admire and love Ian.


Q: If you could punch anyone in the face, and I mean anyone, who would it be?


A: Believe it or not no one comes to mind. George W Bush ought to spend his life doing relief work in an Iraqi ghetto camp for childen with missing limbs. I know he is just a pawn. I reallllly hate Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and that whole fascist crowd that funds them and causes so much schism..




Q; I’m pretty familiar with a lot of musicians, and i have a lot of friends in the music business, including the Mentors. I heard you and El Duce and the Mentors had some times way back. Thoughts/sweet memories you care to share?


A: Yeah El Duce was a friend of mine. I’m gonna talk about him in the book I am writing. He slept over my house in San Francisco in 1986 or so. He came over my house after his performance plastered drunk, he drank my female roommates piss mixed with whiskey out of a dog bowl at my house. Crashed in my bed, I had to lay out $150 to fly him home. And he paid back one week later when we played Fenders Ballroom in Long Beach. He is the real deal. I wouldn’t send my daughter to his summer camp either.




Q: I had a lot of talks with Mr. Noam Chomsky through the last two years, and I at one time was a close friend of the Socialist Action party president, but that disappated and i am much more interested in helping people in an organic way that by the point of Communism, which was motivated by many things, mostly because for Communism to be put into action, it requires a lot of cooperation with the government, which is not something I can stand by. Are you just into helping the people, and helping people help themselves, or are you a full-on Commie? And do you feel that the government has a duty to the people, or that they should just butt the fuck out?


A: I love Chomsky. Read his child development and language development stuff as well as his anti-imperialist stuff which is great. Suggest all to read The People’s History Of The United States by Howard Zinn. I am not a full on commie. The ideal society is one that takes care of the masses with their heath, education and welfare. That protects the ecosystem of the planet and does not allow so few to exert so much control over what happens on this planet.




Q: As the singer of Millions of Dead Cops, what do you feel the position of police is in a modern society? In “No More Cops” you made the more radical assumption that they should be abolished, has this view changed any?


A: It seems crazy that one should believe we could live without the Police. Maybe some Community Health Monitors or some shit. In my 55 years on this planet I have seen the police to little good. I mean let them go after serial killers but Communities could set up there own way to deal with trouble.




Q: To paraphrase the Dead Kennedys, do you think that Nazi Punks should Fuck Off? Does it bother you that the style of music you play is being used to recruit youth into Nazism?


A: Punk is rebellion and right wing rebellion has been there since the beginning. I have had Right wing Germans Sieg Heil me during John Wayne thinking I was glorifying him. I have known more than a few right wingers that loved Millions Of Dead Cops.


Q: Do you stay in contact with any of your fellow punks of yesteryear, i.e. the Dicks, Big Boys, etc.,?


A: Yes I am friends with gary Floyd and did a radio interview with him there not to long ago. Randy Biscuits of the Big Boys passed and that is way sad. I did a mini tour with Nicki Sicki, of Verbal Abuse, last year. We played with DRI in Portland 6 months ago. It was good to see Spike and Kurt.


Q: Why are you a vegetarian, and what can going veggie do for humanity?


A:Veggetarian is one of the most realistic ways you can change the world. I really don’t get why everyone is so lazy or thoughtless. Animals are Earthlings … we treat them terribly.




Q: If I told you that I wanted to marry you, would you understand I was just appreciating you in a semi-hetero sort of way?


Who are you…? I’d think about it in a semi hetero sort of way. My last long term lover just told me they were over being my life coach. I’m single and 14 years hard drugs clean and no alcohol. And my pecker works most days.




Q: Would you like to appear doing a voice on my cartoon, using the intense power of punk rock to destroy a gigantic Christian monster pent on world domination?


A: I would love to.




Q: Any parting words for the readers at






Be true, be blue, be kind, don’t follow the mindless mob, and don’t be petty. Love yourself and enjoy this so called life as much as you can but keep your values.



welcome to the control room.

This week is beginning of our storyboarding!

We are writing the storyboards for the pilot episode of Living Evil, ‘cult’.

We are doing the visual setup for the scenes, everything from the re-done opening credits, to the actual scenes.

We’re also narrowing down the music that we’re using. With roughly 100 songs in our ‘pool’, we decide which songs are gonna be appropriate for a scene. For more on this stuff, go to the soundtrack page, at https://smorning.wordpress.com/sponsors-and-contributors/

One of my new favorite songs for the soundtrack is this one from a great group on our friends Quote Unquote Records ( http://quoteunquoterecords.com/ )

The band is called the Taxpayers, and heres a link to their page!



— Tommy, aka Abu Ahmet, Hive of Dukes

endless love.

We begun the process of working with one of our favorite record labels, Alternative Tentacles! ( http://www.alternativetentacles.com )

They release music from countless amazing bands, everything from old school Dead Kennedys material, Subhumans (Not the cool UK punks who sang “Mickey Mouse is Dead”, the Canadian ones), Alice Donut (Terribly underrated! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=092DUlx2hX0 ), to more recent stuff, including spoken word stuff (Notable albums by former DK frontman and friend of sludgies the Melvins, Jello Biafra) and the new album by Jello B and the Guantanamo School of Medicine! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svsrlL4CeBI&feature=related

They also released stuff from my old buddy Noam Chomsky, and our friend KK Null’s band Zeni Geva (A favorite of my hero Steve Albini, whose band Shellac performs our opening title music!)


We took on a new member in the Hive, our unpaid intern Josh! Picture below;


We began interviews with all our friends in the circus sideshow industry, music, and politics, and we’ll have to see what comes of that :)


Here is a discussion on the merits of capitalism versus that of Socialism, done in an anonymous way to let you see it without a face. I WILL let you know that one of them is me, and one is a famous Black Panther named Lorenzo Ervin. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Komboa_Ervin )

Person One:
We need worldwide movement of poor and homeless people to put pressure on the capitalist state and system, and fight against austerity campaigns by the rich.


Person Two:
What we have in effect is not a capitalist state and system, we have a mixed economy. It is a failure, but that is no fault of capitalism.


Person one:
mixed economy? I have heard this for years, and i am no economist, but do not assume social programs under capitalism constitute a form of socialism like the Republikkans claim. They are reforms that have been fought for and many died for, but the social system remains the same.


Person Two:
The system itself, I believe, is not the issue. In recent years, more socialistic programs have been implanted, and I dont see it fixing the primary issues of the poor and downtrodden. Its made people that are reliant on government cheese, …with no prospects of contributing to society. My father is one of these, and I legally seperated myself from him because Im not some bum. Im an independent business owner and Im proud that the freedom that capitalism has alloted me has given me the freedom to make my own money and be my own person!

Person Three: Wow I have to give you credit for just admitting that you legally separated from your father just because he was poor. Wow, I would have been ashamed to effectively admit I was such a superficial scumbag but man you have some guts! It must have been all the shiny toys that the capitalist system gave you that raised your self-esteem so high to have the courage to turn on your own father just because he had fallen on hard times. Ayn Rand would be proud!


Person Two: How about this; the “welfare’ system gave money taken from the taxpayers to my father, who spent his money NOT on his children, but on heroin, cocaine, and a motorcycle. But the government came running to his aide, and took money from, oste…nsibly, my mother who WORKED to feed me and my sister, to give him stale food to eat and pay for his apartment. While there is a population of homeless and downtrodden, they need an actual FIX, not a lifelong coddling from the government. I’ve BEEN homeless, and I happen to know several very kind and genuine homeless people. BUT the welfare system has created a bunch of ne’er do well druggies and losers who cant survive on their own. I didnt seperate from him for being poor, its because he misspent HIS money, then BEGGED for money from the government to pay for food for HIM. You are a sophomoric prick, and your two-dimensional, out-dated logic deserves a place on the “Abolition of Work” paperback.


Person Three: You didn’t explain that but I figured that the story was something like that. If you don’t want people to think you are an asshole than you should explain that rather than praising the capitalist system. Why hide your justifiable anger with your father behind such drivel anyway?


Person Two: They arent linked in and of themselves, that story about my dad was one story that justified the general idea of Capitalism as a system moreover than socialism. You dont seem to understand that in Socialism, were it to take place in the US …(Which is never could), you’d have to convince EVERY person living in the country to co-operate with you. I know too many assholes to justify working with others, and as Capitalism IS the freedom to be your own person and have your own money, to act as an adult as soon as you please, and not have to put up with the government, and socialism is basically strengthening a government stronghold on the people, whether you like it or not. And I didnt explain myself because I made a point, and for me to go into a giant story about my life for no real reason is a pretty shmucky thing to do unless its warranted by some skeevy lowlife who thinks that Karl Marx’s childish vision of the third world being implied for action in the united states is even possible, let alone plausible.


Person Three: You were the one who brought it up, so stop whining now that you are called on your obvious ploy at emotional manipulation. The example of your father justified nothing and you had no point at all. There are plenty of neglectful drug addict… fathers who are rich so it is irrelevant on every level. Capitalism is only promises freedom for those who can be able to hold onto owning the means of production. For all others- us, Wage Slaves who are in the clear majority- it is the freedom to sell away your life, labor, time and self-respect to the social leeches you work for. You better hope and pray that “Marx’s childish vision” is as implausible as you think cause your minority freedom to live at the expense of the freedom of the majority will be flushed down the crapper of history if it isn’t. Until then we will have to put up with the deluded self-righteous stink of people like you. I am used to idiots like you, so your little tantrum is amusing but holds not a single point that can’t be shot down despite your attempt to make the argument about your narcissistic woes rather than just the same old selfish bull shit that comes poring out of the t.v. set day and night that they try to sell you here in the U.S.


Person Four: Capitalism is a scumbag system. Before Fabian socialism and “Scientific” socialism this was obvious.
Changing the guard at the capitalist circus to csome form of State socialism doesn’t change this. Neither do social control systems disgu…ised as “relief”. A system of privilege and exploitation remains.
Heroin is a type of social control.
Part of the problem here is dumping the cost of child rearing (i.e., socialization, human capital) on the poor. A worker-run economy would have workplaces (producers) do this.
Making those sickened by capitalism is part of the process of expropriating the weath of the upper classes in a social revolution. Until that occurs, we must fight to preserve mutual aid between working people and amonst the poor. This has been done for hundreds of years when the church and state were gendarmes of the political economy of exploitation.
La lucha continua…
Semper repugnare (always fight back)!


Person Two: Those who are worse off have not capitalism to blame. Youre blaming people who have hijacked a cronyistic approach to economics, and calling THEM capitalists. You (Justin) are obviously upset that your socialistic system requires associatin…g with people who you dont like, and if you cant handle talking on facebook, I see that YOUR self-righteous, Leninist, violently negative approach to the world today is doing nothing. Nothing for you, nothing for the world, and nothing for the homeless. If you want to change the world, give a homeless person a free room in your house for the rest of his life for no rent. Seem a little extreme? Welcome to Socialism 101. Communism only has a faint breath left in it for one reaosn, and that is that people like you can claim that socialism and communism are social systems that help the poor, but all Communist experiments have failed, and seeing as your pipe-dream dies out in that the OUTSTANDING majority, I’d wager 80 percent of the world or more, believe in freedom. YOUR freedom, and mine. Communism makes you a slave to the government, and capitalism makes you your own boss. I wont be told what to do, and Socialism wants to tell the HAVES to give up everything that isnt nccesary, when the entire reason why we make money is to make life more pleasureable. You have decided to ask me to argue a negative, whereas you fail to see that the burden of proof, sadly, lies in you and the lowly pissants like you who use the pain of the poor as a front to implant a whole new kind of “wage slavery”, that is the Harrison Bergeron-esque equalization that never worked for animals, and will never work for humans.


Person Three: I refute your argument thusly: Most of the world is capitalist and most of it is riddled with massive poverty and oppression. Welcome to capitalism 101. I love how people like you say that capitalism is great but it has only been corrupted …by cronyism and corporatism. Well name me ONE example of you free market utopia that ever worked any where at anytime that didn’t flower immediately into corporatism and cronyism. Uuuuh ya’ can’t cause it doesn’t exist and never existed and no system based on selfishness and exploitation can ever be anything other than selfish and exploitative. You may say that socialism and communism have failed but at least they have had moments of success that due to either external or internal pressure were undermined. You my friend have ZERO examples of success for your free market utopia and sorry to break it to you but you never will either. Awww how is that for burden of proof douche bag?


Person Two: Well I know for a fact that there is not one human OR business that ever existed without being greedy. Without greed, guess what? The fucking human race would never have cropped up, you mopey son of a bitch.


Person Three: If that is the best you can come up with than you just put a big smile on my mopey face! :) The human race evolved as bands of hunter gatherers who could harness fire. You seem like you might have picked up a book at some point so tell me does the culture of hunter gatherers- of which we evolved to be in- resemble more a capitalist society or a socialist society? I’ll give you a few moments to google search that in the likely situation you don’t own any books.


Person Two: Your definition of greed is warped. It is the CHRISTIAN definition of greed, regardless of your religious affiliation. Greed is wanting more than you have. And if I can work hard enough to have more, guess what? I deserve to keep it without… levys, taxes, and general government meddling. I dont want people to suffer any more than you do, but socialism is not a means to go about it. Also, your definition of “exploitative” is warped too. We WORK to get money to buy things. That’s the society we’ve built. For the short period of time we have, we are hedonistic, and try and make life pleasureable. Money gets you more things, and things are comforts. If I had a choice between a rice cake and a rack of ribs, I’m sorry to say I’d like ribs. and If I work and “slave” for my WAGES, I can buy them! but Socialism wants 100 people to have one crumb broken off of one man’s loaf of bread. It wont feed them, so they will ask for more, without working for it. If they DID work for it, they become part of the group of people with the loaf of bread, and they will say “LAY OFF MY FUCKING BREAD!”, thus proving the panhandling of socialist tactics are a farce.


*No responses to this last post have cropped up in 16 hours.*

Song of the Day?

Ronan Stone — Spaced Out Space Suit Boy

(If youre a part of the contest, copy the name of the above song and a link to this website, www.nocensors.com , as your status on Facebook or Myspace, and let us know, and you are entered to win a free Ronan Stone CD, and more! )

— keep it surreal

— tom, (of the hive)


Here I Go. Again.

I peeped out WikiLeaks today, ts a very odd, enlightening website. I dont have a one way opinion of it yet, but as it is, I think its important for people to be informed, take from it what you will.

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is9sxRfU-ik&feature=player_embedded&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fs.ytimg.com%2Fyt%2Fswfbin%2Fcps-vflibb2DF.swf&has_verified=1 )



I sent off a few interviews to my friends DAVE DICTOR at our favorite hardcore punk band MDC ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDC_(band) )

We will be discussing punk rock, leftist extremism, the Mentors, and the point of music in the revolution of knowledge, as well as other things!


 I also sent one off to my friend Keith McHenry, anti-war activist and founder of Food Not Bombs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_Not_Bombs )

Were gonna discuss the role of art in politics, the role of politics in change, and the role of change in the governments’ pockets.


And here’s my daily music video choice, Slayer’s ‘South of Heaven’.


— keep it surreal,

Tommy, aka Mr. Plotkin, aka Johnny Buttcheekz, Hive of Dukes.