Tag Archives: space ghost

champion city.

Readers —

I am so sorry I have not kept up with the blog portion of this website lately. General Chaos is going through an experimental surgery at the moment. While out of respect I wont divulge the entirety of his condition, it DOES involve his ability to produce vitamin K, which has caused some to-do with his spleen.

We appreciate your cards and letters for the General, but due to his conspiracy theories related to the manufacturers of ballpoint pens, he will be delayed in his response. For more info, feel free to email the producers at tom_null2005@yahoo.com (Make sure to include something in the subject line like “Geneal Chaos” so I know who it goes to).

We are working on original music for the Living Evil soundtrack, noise music produced with vocal samples from the least-expected places.  Please keep in touch, as I will make the whole album available for free download as soon as we edit it. To make up for the lack of “Song of the Day” updates, here’s a hat trick;

” Sonic Youth –Wish Fulfillment

” MDC – Patriotic Asshole

” Yellow Swans –Mass Mirage



More and more to come, and hopefully a new cartoon featuring some info from a genuinely screwed up person, Stabby the Fearmongerer!


—   Cartoon Tom, Owner, Sunday Morning Animation

Dont come back, NORCO doomed

I have spent a relatively eventful 48 hours working on the show and with various outlets.


I made some designs that our friend Tion ‘Bukue One” Torrence ( http://www.bukue.bancamp.com ) may use on an upcoming album, in exchange for some shoes from Osiris ( http://www.osirisshoes.com/ )


I did some artwork, as well as archiving some totally random archive footage for the show, that I lifted from a disc copy of Brittanica ReadyReference (Oh the wonders of random images and footage)


I then watched Space Ghost Coast to Coast ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boc5JfvtB28 )

as well as The Outer Limits ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgsQCwHHqoI )


I listened to the magical space rhythm of the late, great, Sun Ra (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVqDOaiIcJk )


and am about to read Richard Yates’ Revolutionary Road ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Road )


I also watched clips from shows that we shall be lifting in the pilot.



We’ve added a new header image of Growthy, added our logo on the sidebar and added our modified versions of Sundial to the LOD page; ( https://smorning.wordpress.com/all-in-the-family/ )

keep it surreal,

the mgmt.