Tag Archives: The Hive

the problem with music.






Abu Ahmet

(keep it surreal)

if you don’t like it, survey says ‘suck it’.

Today, I did a little rooting around at DINCAA (pronounced ‘Dinka’) studios on different subjects, and had a nice meeting of the minds with the two other bones of the Hive, the original framework, the original team, box. (Marcus), Sex Tornado (Ryan), and DW Merritt, aka Abu Ahmet, (me, Tommy).

This is especially relevant in that there has been something of a schism amongst two members of the Hive, but that is none of yours’ concern, and I’d hate to harp on it. I’ll let you know how THAT works out. We may go to more of the “retro” lineup of the Hive, namely box, S.T, and me, with our new intern Josh (who doesnt have a pseudonym yet). We will keep you posted.

Also, a quick mention on my stance towards Copyright. I cannot speak for the rest of the Hive, and we are a privately owned company, wherein the financial responsiblities and such  are owned by me, but the decisions of the group are made democratically for ease of deciding, as well as that all our thoughts are taken into account. Having said that, the copyright itself, on all articles created by the Hive, from the words I currently type, to the artwork on the site and in the videos we make, are licensed under a Creative Commons license. We do this because we believe in a free, non-commercial inter-spersal of ideas and images, for the love of art, for the projection of ideas and morals, and for the hobby of art. If a 5th grader saw Growthy in our header, and thought it looked cool, and cut the head out in Microsoft Paint, and put it on a new background, with new text, it is a new work! He isn’t profitting off of it (and consequentially, isn’t depriving us, the artists, of profit that helps us eat), it is totally fine to us. While we see the right of a person to protect their ideas (and moreover, their profits), we more importantly see that we should be able to freely re-mix, satirize, re-purpose and re-design the images of our near and distant past, for use in new art.

“Art makes life more comfortable for us, and, if we’re lucky, someone else too. ” – Abu Ahmet, (me)

Art is part of our primitive urge to create, to produce, to comment on, ridicule, understand, and show our thoughts to the outside world. Without art, in a more vast sense of the word, we’d live in a bland, un-feeling world.

So our small contribution to culture, if any, is for the purpose of making a statement. if 50 people read this sentence, and 10 of them are ignited in a fight against exclusive copyrights, that’s all worth it.

— Tommy, aka Abu Ahmet,

keeping it surreal.

endless love.

We begun the process of working with one of our favorite record labels, Alternative Tentacles! ( http://www.alternativetentacles.com )

They release music from countless amazing bands, everything from old school Dead Kennedys material, Subhumans (Not the cool UK punks who sang “Mickey Mouse is Dead”, the Canadian ones), Alice Donut (Terribly underrated! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=092DUlx2hX0 ), to more recent stuff, including spoken word stuff (Notable albums by former DK frontman and friend of sludgies the Melvins, Jello Biafra) and the new album by Jello B and the Guantanamo School of Medicine! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svsrlL4CeBI&feature=related

They also released stuff from my old buddy Noam Chomsky, and our friend KK Null’s band Zeni Geva (A favorite of my hero Steve Albini, whose band Shellac performs our opening title music!)


We took on a new member in the Hive, our unpaid intern Josh! Picture below;


We began interviews with all our friends in the circus sideshow industry, music, and politics, and we’ll have to see what comes of that :)


Here is a discussion on the merits of capitalism versus that of Socialism, done in an anonymous way to let you see it without a face. I WILL let you know that one of them is me, and one is a famous Black Panther named Lorenzo Ervin. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenzo_Komboa_Ervin )

Person One:
We need worldwide movement of poor and homeless people to put pressure on the capitalist state and system, and fight against austerity campaigns by the rich.


Person Two:
What we have in effect is not a capitalist state and system, we have a mixed economy. It is a failure, but that is no fault of capitalism.


Person one:
mixed economy? I have heard this for years, and i am no economist, but do not assume social programs under capitalism constitute a form of socialism like the Republikkans claim. They are reforms that have been fought for and many died for, but the social system remains the same.


Person Two:
The system itself, I believe, is not the issue. In recent years, more socialistic programs have been implanted, and I dont see it fixing the primary issues of the poor and downtrodden. Its made people that are reliant on government cheese, …with no prospects of contributing to society. My father is one of these, and I legally seperated myself from him because Im not some bum. Im an independent business owner and Im proud that the freedom that capitalism has alloted me has given me the freedom to make my own money and be my own person!

Person Three: Wow I have to give you credit for just admitting that you legally separated from your father just because he was poor. Wow, I would have been ashamed to effectively admit I was such a superficial scumbag but man you have some guts! It must have been all the shiny toys that the capitalist system gave you that raised your self-esteem so high to have the courage to turn on your own father just because he had fallen on hard times. Ayn Rand would be proud!


Person Two: How about this; the “welfare’ system gave money taken from the taxpayers to my father, who spent his money NOT on his children, but on heroin, cocaine, and a motorcycle. But the government came running to his aide, and took money from, oste…nsibly, my mother who WORKED to feed me and my sister, to give him stale food to eat and pay for his apartment. While there is a population of homeless and downtrodden, they need an actual FIX, not a lifelong coddling from the government. I’ve BEEN homeless, and I happen to know several very kind and genuine homeless people. BUT the welfare system has created a bunch of ne’er do well druggies and losers who cant survive on their own. I didnt seperate from him for being poor, its because he misspent HIS money, then BEGGED for money from the government to pay for food for HIM. You are a sophomoric prick, and your two-dimensional, out-dated logic deserves a place on the “Abolition of Work” paperback.


Person Three: You didn’t explain that but I figured that the story was something like that. If you don’t want people to think you are an asshole than you should explain that rather than praising the capitalist system. Why hide your justifiable anger with your father behind such drivel anyway?


Person Two: They arent linked in and of themselves, that story about my dad was one story that justified the general idea of Capitalism as a system moreover than socialism. You dont seem to understand that in Socialism, were it to take place in the US …(Which is never could), you’d have to convince EVERY person living in the country to co-operate with you. I know too many assholes to justify working with others, and as Capitalism IS the freedom to be your own person and have your own money, to act as an adult as soon as you please, and not have to put up with the government, and socialism is basically strengthening a government stronghold on the people, whether you like it or not. And I didnt explain myself because I made a point, and for me to go into a giant story about my life for no real reason is a pretty shmucky thing to do unless its warranted by some skeevy lowlife who thinks that Karl Marx’s childish vision of the third world being implied for action in the united states is even possible, let alone plausible.


Person Three: You were the one who brought it up, so stop whining now that you are called on your obvious ploy at emotional manipulation. The example of your father justified nothing and you had no point at all. There are plenty of neglectful drug addict… fathers who are rich so it is irrelevant on every level. Capitalism is only promises freedom for those who can be able to hold onto owning the means of production. For all others- us, Wage Slaves who are in the clear majority- it is the freedom to sell away your life, labor, time and self-respect to the social leeches you work for. You better hope and pray that “Marx’s childish vision” is as implausible as you think cause your minority freedom to live at the expense of the freedom of the majority will be flushed down the crapper of history if it isn’t. Until then we will have to put up with the deluded self-righteous stink of people like you. I am used to idiots like you, so your little tantrum is amusing but holds not a single point that can’t be shot down despite your attempt to make the argument about your narcissistic woes rather than just the same old selfish bull shit that comes poring out of the t.v. set day and night that they try to sell you here in the U.S.


Person Four: Capitalism is a scumbag system. Before Fabian socialism and “Scientific” socialism this was obvious.
Changing the guard at the capitalist circus to csome form of State socialism doesn’t change this. Neither do social control systems disgu…ised as “relief”. A system of privilege and exploitation remains.
Heroin is a type of social control.
Part of the problem here is dumping the cost of child rearing (i.e., socialization, human capital) on the poor. A worker-run economy would have workplaces (producers) do this.
Making those sickened by capitalism is part of the process of expropriating the weath of the upper classes in a social revolution. Until that occurs, we must fight to preserve mutual aid between working people and amonst the poor. This has been done for hundreds of years when the church and state were gendarmes of the political economy of exploitation.
La lucha continua…
Semper repugnare (always fight back)!


Person Two: Those who are worse off have not capitalism to blame. Youre blaming people who have hijacked a cronyistic approach to economics, and calling THEM capitalists. You (Justin) are obviously upset that your socialistic system requires associatin…g with people who you dont like, and if you cant handle talking on facebook, I see that YOUR self-righteous, Leninist, violently negative approach to the world today is doing nothing. Nothing for you, nothing for the world, and nothing for the homeless. If you want to change the world, give a homeless person a free room in your house for the rest of his life for no rent. Seem a little extreme? Welcome to Socialism 101. Communism only has a faint breath left in it for one reaosn, and that is that people like you can claim that socialism and communism are social systems that help the poor, but all Communist experiments have failed, and seeing as your pipe-dream dies out in that the OUTSTANDING majority, I’d wager 80 percent of the world or more, believe in freedom. YOUR freedom, and mine. Communism makes you a slave to the government, and capitalism makes you your own boss. I wont be told what to do, and Socialism wants to tell the HAVES to give up everything that isnt nccesary, when the entire reason why we make money is to make life more pleasureable. You have decided to ask me to argue a negative, whereas you fail to see that the burden of proof, sadly, lies in you and the lowly pissants like you who use the pain of the poor as a front to implant a whole new kind of “wage slavery”, that is the Harrison Bergeron-esque equalization that never worked for animals, and will never work for humans.


Person Three: I refute your argument thusly: Most of the world is capitalist and most of it is riddled with massive poverty and oppression. Welcome to capitalism 101. I love how people like you say that capitalism is great but it has only been corrupted …by cronyism and corporatism. Well name me ONE example of you free market utopia that ever worked any where at anytime that didn’t flower immediately into corporatism and cronyism. Uuuuh ya’ can’t cause it doesn’t exist and never existed and no system based on selfishness and exploitation can ever be anything other than selfish and exploitative. You may say that socialism and communism have failed but at least they have had moments of success that due to either external or internal pressure were undermined. You my friend have ZERO examples of success for your free market utopia and sorry to break it to you but you never will either. Awww how is that for burden of proof douche bag?


Person Two: Well I know for a fact that there is not one human OR business that ever existed without being greedy. Without greed, guess what? The fucking human race would never have cropped up, you mopey son of a bitch.


Person Three: If that is the best you can come up with than you just put a big smile on my mopey face! :) The human race evolved as bands of hunter gatherers who could harness fire. You seem like you might have picked up a book at some point so tell me does the culture of hunter gatherers- of which we evolved to be in- resemble more a capitalist society or a socialist society? I’ll give you a few moments to google search that in the likely situation you don’t own any books.


Person Two: Your definition of greed is warped. It is the CHRISTIAN definition of greed, regardless of your religious affiliation. Greed is wanting more than you have. And if I can work hard enough to have more, guess what? I deserve to keep it without… levys, taxes, and general government meddling. I dont want people to suffer any more than you do, but socialism is not a means to go about it. Also, your definition of “exploitative” is warped too. We WORK to get money to buy things. That’s the society we’ve built. For the short period of time we have, we are hedonistic, and try and make life pleasureable. Money gets you more things, and things are comforts. If I had a choice between a rice cake and a rack of ribs, I’m sorry to say I’d like ribs. and If I work and “slave” for my WAGES, I can buy them! but Socialism wants 100 people to have one crumb broken off of one man’s loaf of bread. It wont feed them, so they will ask for more, without working for it. If they DID work for it, they become part of the group of people with the loaf of bread, and they will say “LAY OFF MY FUCKING BREAD!”, thus proving the panhandling of socialist tactics are a farce.


*No responses to this last post have cropped up in 16 hours.*

Song of the Day?

Ronan Stone — Spaced Out Space Suit Boy

(If youre a part of the contest, copy the name of the above song and a link to this website, www.nocensors.com , as your status on Facebook or Myspace, and let us know, and you are entered to win a free Ronan Stone CD, and more! )

— keep it surreal

— tom, (of the hive)


>.get ‘cho’ ‘ghetto’ ass outta herr.<

Did a lot of soundtrack mailings and sendoffs today, including some to our friends at the bands on the roster of my favorite record label, Quote Unquote Records! (http://www.quoteunquoterecords.com/albums.htm )

PLEASE DONATE! It’s OUR donations that keep Q.U.R. running, and amazing music that’s being used on the soundtrack, such as Chott/o Ghetto;



And we talked to Pete Swanson, formerly of experimental/industrial noise group Yellow Swans (whom i am nuts for, their breakup really shattered my libido for about two years, nothing would come out.) Pete said that we could use Yellow Swans in our cartoon even though the band is no longer a united face; http://jyrk.com/yellowswans/


We’re terribly sorry that actor Tim Holmes can NOT audition for a place on the show, due to his SAG status. We hold no hard feelings Tim, and best of luck on your other projects, as well as being a father of a pair of newborns :)


— keep it surreal

—  the mgmt (hive of dukes)

Not Any More!

I’m working on casting the character of Growthy, the foulmouthed ex-con melted to the loveable Doubleday, ( https://smorning.wordpress.com/all-in-the-family/ , second and third down, respectively)

We’re talking to a lot of comedians and artists, from the Mentors ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddSyxhjTYiI )

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mentors )


To actor and friend Tim Holmes ( http://www.burningholmesfilms.com/burningholmesfilms/COMPANY_BIO.html )

Who is a really talented actor who appeared on several great movies and shows like “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “The Young and the Restless” and now, possibly, “The Drunk and the Narcissistic”, that is to say, Growthy on Living Evil.


We also called Pauly Shore, aka God. Below is a photo, but looking directly into Jehovah’s eyes can cause  you to go catatonic.


Music of the day?

Song: Orange Rolls, Angel’s Spit

Artist: Sonic Youth

Album: Dirty (1992)


— keep it surreal,

— the mgmt. (hive)

Here I Go. Again.

I peeped out WikiLeaks today, ts a very odd, enlightening website. I dont have a one way opinion of it yet, but as it is, I think its important for people to be informed, take from it what you will.

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is9sxRfU-ik&feature=player_embedded&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fs.ytimg.com%2Fyt%2Fswfbin%2Fcps-vflibb2DF.swf&has_verified=1 )



I sent off a few interviews to my friends DAVE DICTOR at our favorite hardcore punk band MDC ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDC_(band) )

We will be discussing punk rock, leftist extremism, the Mentors, and the point of music in the revolution of knowledge, as well as other things!


 I also sent one off to my friend Keith McHenry, anti-war activist and founder of Food Not Bombs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_Not_Bombs )

Were gonna discuss the role of art in politics, the role of politics in change, and the role of change in the governments’ pockets.


And here’s my daily music video choice, Slayer’s ‘South of Heaven’.


— keep it surreal,

Tommy, aka Mr. Plotkin, aka Johnny Buttcheekz, Hive of Dukes.


We are now the proud owners of www.nocensors.com  , the official and uncensored website of the Hive of Dukes, Sunday Morning Animation, Living Evil, and also a resource on information against censorship!


We can thank our sassy websmistress Midge ( http://www.midgepotts.com ) for hooking us up with this kickass domain name, as well as our legal consultant and hero, First Amendment crusader Larry Walters, Esq. ( http://www.firstamendment.com )


We’re reapidly building up our anti-censorship info on the “First Amendment…” page above, and we’re also adding our portfolio in a tab above as soon as possible. :)


— keep it surreal,

— the mgmt.


I unintentionally tend to make long, spiely, all-encompassing posts and lists, but with my eclectic taste, I couldnt tell you all my favorite writers.

I will, however, give thanks to what may be one of my bigger influences in writing Living Evil, Mr. H.P. Lovecraft.

Lovecraft was best known for his science fiction and horror, but he was also a profound and talented poet. He once wrote;

Out of the reaches of illimitable night
The blazing planet grew, and forc’d to life
Unending cycles of progressive strife
And strange mutations of undying light

— “Waste Paper”, HP Lovecraft

He was a very dark and pessimistic writer, whose versions of the various worlds, and his cynical background, has been a VERY large  influence on my version of earth in Living Evil.

Here are a few links that go directly to freely published works of Lovecraft, mostly at Wikisource ( http://en.wikisource.org/ )






HERE IS MORE INFO AT WIKIPEDIA; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._P._Lovecraft


Here is my artistic rendering of Mr. Lovecraft — DW Merritt

—— keep it surreal

— the mgmt.

Defender of the Universe!

We’ve written a really hilarious cartoon. And we really hope you like it.
But it is written in a modern, some might say “vulgar” vernacular.
That’s why we asked Larry Walters, Attorney at Law and owner of http://www.firstamendment.com , to lay it down old school for us.
Larry is a genius, and is known throughout the US and the internet as a bulldog protector of the First Amendment, as well as our other freedoms.
Thank you Larry, keep up the good work. (By the way, if we get sued, we assume you have our back, hahaha!) :) — the mgmt

Lawrence Walters


— the mgmt