Tag Archives: surrealism

welcome to the control room.

This week is beginning of our storyboarding!

We are writing the storyboards for the pilot episode of Living Evil, ‘cult’.

We are doing the visual setup for the scenes, everything from the re-done opening credits, to the actual scenes.

We’re also narrowing down the music that we’re using. With roughly 100 songs in our ‘pool’, we decide which songs are gonna be appropriate for a scene. For more on this stuff, go to the soundtrack page, at https://smorning.wordpress.com/sponsors-and-contributors/

One of my new favorite songs for the soundtrack is this one from a great group on our friends Quote Unquote Records ( http://quoteunquoterecords.com/ )

The band is called the Taxpayers, and heres a link to their page!



— Tommy, aka Abu Ahmet, Hive of Dukes

the problem with music.






Abu Ahmet

(keep it surreal)

if you don’t like it, survey says ‘suck it’.

Today, I did a little rooting around at DINCAA (pronounced ‘Dinka’) studios on different subjects, and had a nice meeting of the minds with the two other bones of the Hive, the original framework, the original team, box. (Marcus), Sex Tornado (Ryan), and DW Merritt, aka Abu Ahmet, (me, Tommy).

This is especially relevant in that there has been something of a schism amongst two members of the Hive, but that is none of yours’ concern, and I’d hate to harp on it. I’ll let you know how THAT works out. We may go to more of the “retro” lineup of the Hive, namely box, S.T, and me, with our new intern Josh (who doesnt have a pseudonym yet). We will keep you posted.

Also, a quick mention on my stance towards Copyright. I cannot speak for the rest of the Hive, and we are a privately owned company, wherein the financial responsiblities and such  are owned by me, but the decisions of the group are made democratically for ease of deciding, as well as that all our thoughts are taken into account. Having said that, the copyright itself, on all articles created by the Hive, from the words I currently type, to the artwork on the site and in the videos we make, are licensed under a Creative Commons license. We do this because we believe in a free, non-commercial inter-spersal of ideas and images, for the love of art, for the projection of ideas and morals, and for the hobby of art. If a 5th grader saw Growthy in our header, and thought it looked cool, and cut the head out in Microsoft Paint, and put it on a new background, with new text, it is a new work! He isn’t profitting off of it (and consequentially, isn’t depriving us, the artists, of profit that helps us eat), it is totally fine to us. While we see the right of a person to protect their ideas (and moreover, their profits), we more importantly see that we should be able to freely re-mix, satirize, re-purpose and re-design the images of our near and distant past, for use in new art.

“Art makes life more comfortable for us, and, if we’re lucky, someone else too. ” – Abu Ahmet, (me)

Art is part of our primitive urge to create, to produce, to comment on, ridicule, understand, and show our thoughts to the outside world. Without art, in a more vast sense of the word, we’d live in a bland, un-feeling world.

So our small contribution to culture, if any, is for the purpose of making a statement. if 50 people read this sentence, and 10 of them are ignited in a fight against exclusive copyrights, that’s all worth it.

— Tommy, aka Abu Ahmet,

keeping it surreal.

Here I Go. Again.

I peeped out WikiLeaks today, ts a very odd, enlightening website. I dont have a one way opinion of it yet, but as it is, I think its important for people to be informed, take from it what you will.

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is9sxRfU-ik&feature=player_embedded&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fs.ytimg.com%2Fyt%2Fswfbin%2Fcps-vflibb2DF.swf&has_verified=1 )



I sent off a few interviews to my friends DAVE DICTOR at our favorite hardcore punk band MDC ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDC_(band) )

We will be discussing punk rock, leftist extremism, the Mentors, and the point of music in the revolution of knowledge, as well as other things!


 I also sent one off to my friend Keith McHenry, anti-war activist and founder of Food Not Bombs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_Not_Bombs )

Were gonna discuss the role of art in politics, the role of politics in change, and the role of change in the governments’ pockets.


And here’s my daily music video choice, Slayer’s ‘South of Heaven’.


— keep it surreal,

Tommy, aka Mr. Plotkin, aka Johnny Buttcheekz, Hive of Dukes.


In my research of the mind, which has been an ongoing fascination with no conceivable end, I have been studying the minds of everyone, and the most interesting ones are the crazies. Cult leaders, murderers, and extremists offer an odd glimpse into the mind that benigne, happy people dont always allow.

People like Charles Manson; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson


Jim Jones: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones


David Koresh; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Koresh

File:David Koresh.jpg


L. Ron Hubbard; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._Ron_Hubbard


And of course Muslim prophet Muhammad; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad


I hope in my study of these, and countless other like folks, I can portray Antagonist Scott Stapp’s narcisstic madness perfectly.


Also, our friend Midge ( http://www.midgepotts.com ) is working on getting us a new URL, news coming soon!


We’re adding a portfolio to the website for our graphic design and artistically monetary aims. Keep an eye out.


(Winston Stardust, co-owner, sunday morning animation )

— keep it surreal

— the mgmt.

On and On and On


I’ve been rather busy this week, being productive and whatnot.

I came into a new flash drive to replace the old one, which had a bunch of random pictures on it that you can expect to see on new Sunday Morning releases.


I’ve been doing pictures for people on Facebook;


Making mashups for the soundtrack (Which i will be uploading for your listening and free downloading pleasure, via any of the website’s best file holders, which i will then plug for you, here or in the taskbar.


They will also be on YouTube, and linked courtesy of the videos and edia section to your upper right hand corner;



as well as making the newest teaser trailer for Living Evil;



Also, I wrote down at least 100 ideas with my co-producer Ryan (Pete Sexoffender)  for the show, and I will have pictures of our doodles available for viewing and downloading on here.


We have organized and linked and archived the almost ENTIRE soundtrack and we will have the list of available non-US youtube links and myspaces for the songs available, all current facebook/website data for the groups can be found, as per the usual, at



To be the man, you gotta beat the BACON!



keep it surreal,

the mgmt.

(from Johnny Plotkin)

Fallin’ Ditch Finally Got His Bones.

Rarely to the proper exaltation, but always of the utmost inspiration, Don van Vliet is one of my favorite singers, as well as the leader of one of te greatest bands of the 60’s-70’s. —

Or should I say WAS.

Without a single fucking soul informing me, I checked Captain Beefheart’s Wikipedia page every three weeks every month for the last 6 monthes, for inspiration, and to see if any recent developements had taken place.

I was talking to Jeff Mooridian, Jr., drummer of noise-rock band Vaz (Which I stylize VAZ or V@Z), and upon going to his page to send a message, I saw a few Beefheart videos, Don’s knowing gaze and second-thase goatee-and-hat attire drawing my eye in. As I further inspected it and nodded my head to a live version of ‘She’s Too Much For My Mirror’, which comes from Beefheart and the Magic Band’s 1969 avant-garde masterpiece Trout Mask Replica, one of my favorite albums of all time, in the same league as “The Velvet Underground and Nico” by The Velvet Underground.

I scrolled down about four centimeters, and I see an epitaph for Don Van Vliet, the enigmatic Captain Beefheart.

Don was a megalomaniac, who would do anything to see his vision followed to the letter. He frequently bullied other members of his band, including voice actor on our show, and former Magic Band bassist, Mark Boston, (Rockette Morton). He lied about his life, and was very stubborn to very genuine people who cared about him. But as it stands, as is the case with The United States of America’s Joe Byrd, and the Smashing Pumpkins’ Bill Corgan, it seems with talent, sometimes also comes an unavoidable need to self-destruct, and hurt those around you.

Despite this, Don was one of the most truly influential singers and inventive minds out there, and I dont know if Living Evil’s script would have been written if it wasnt for Trout Mask Replica.

We will always miss you captain.

“I will not sleep ’til I find you.” — Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band,’My Head is My Only House Unless it Rains”.


keep it surreal.

— Dottie Mogwai, on behalf of the Hive of Dukes,

—- the management

Soundtrack night(E=MC-HAMMER)

Tonight, I am staying over out of the office, and I am seriously getting down to the business of archiving the soundtrack, which is mostly done! we have all the music logged, except for some of the hard copy. Tonight will be spent cuddling up with ;

RONAN STONE — www.myspace.com/ronanstone

THE VAN ALLEN BELT — http://www.myspace.com/thevabelt


THE CAN KICKERS — http://www.cankickers.com/


We also officially got the licensing in for our Creative Commons license.

I’ll save my intellectual property rants for another day and another article, but the beef of the matter is, we aren’t assholes who hold a stronghold over our work when a bevvy of creativity is out there waiting to happen. If we can have a part in that, we’re proud :)


In far less thrilling news, I received word that our favorite St. Louis thrash heads Head On Collision, are on hiatus. This means they could be broken up forever, or just waiting to get back together an jam. While you wait, please enjoy the rest of the music on our soundtrack, available at this link; https://smorning.wordpress.com/sponsors-and-contributors/ 


I’ll message you all with further news when it gets to me,

until then, keep it surreal.

— the management.

King Bacon, NOT Mark Wahlberg

Bow to bacon!

*Above is a picture of god, Kevin Bacon. Note: He is NOT Mark Wahlberg.*

oh, my fur and whiskers!

We are busy as bees here at Sunday Morning Animation, both at my studio (MainStudio) and at Sex Tornado’s Studio (CannonballStudio) making things and bits and bumpers and editorial clippets.

I am working on commercials and transitions for Living Evil, as well as drawing up silly doodles for a side project of mine, a monthly comedic, surrealist adventure series, “The Adventures of HammerBunny and NunMonkey” (Pictures of all our side projects are put in the “Side Bin” section of our website).

Sex Tornado is working on two other of SMA’s series’ “The Adventures of Alpha Dot” and a possible new series involving characters similiar to Mega Man and Mario. Oooh, the suspense.

– Best of funnies,

DW MERRITT, Owner, sunday morning animation