Tag Archives: beefheart

everything that happens will happen today.

Big big week! Yesterday was our biggest week so far in the production. We had a casting meeting, and we spoke to a lot of great actors who we have added to our ensemble, and their pending roles!

 They are;

Nick Endres — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ4Mokcag10

Ambassador Nippon

Assistant to Ambassador Nippon

Japanese Woman

Second String Two Ton (In the event that actor Eric Anzalone cannot record a voice for Two Ton, his auxilary will be Nick)


Mike Perlman — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INx5kcRwa1w




Dale DaBone — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fryc8ZyvVUw

Tod Howarth — (Guitarist, ex-Frehley’s Comet)

Terry Valderas — (guitarist, ex-Toadies)


(Note: Dale would like us to remind you to visit his website, http://hotrawks.com/ !! Open up and say RAW! If you like to fuck, go to HotRawks!)


Matt McVay — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9MPAApMBRI

Matthew Wages — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ7thSXKoKU

Ryan O’Callaghan — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUAwKi12OVI

Sean Moore — (No Reel)

All these people, and about three others, are trying out for the part of Scott Stapp. We have not reached a conclusive verdict, but we will in the upcoming weeks.


Derrick Matthew Gary — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48UmCYpglF4

The Sun




FOOD NOT BOMBS — http://www.foodnotbombs.net/


HOT RAWKS — http://hotrawks.com/


88.1 KDHX FM — http://kdhx.org/


DANBURY WESTERNERS — http://www.danburywesterners.com/


— Tommy “RED” Duke, sunday morning animation


welcome to the control room.

This week is beginning of our storyboarding!

We are writing the storyboards for the pilot episode of Living Evil, ‘cult’.

We are doing the visual setup for the scenes, everything from the re-done opening credits, to the actual scenes.

We’re also narrowing down the music that we’re using. With roughly 100 songs in our ‘pool’, we decide which songs are gonna be appropriate for a scene. For more on this stuff, go to the soundtrack page, at https://smorning.wordpress.com/sponsors-and-contributors/

One of my new favorite songs for the soundtrack is this one from a great group on our friends Quote Unquote Records ( http://quoteunquoterecords.com/ )

The band is called the Taxpayers, and heres a link to their page!



— Tommy, aka Abu Ahmet, Hive of Dukes

the problem with music.






Abu Ahmet

(keep it surreal)


We are now the proud owners of www.nocensors.com  , the official and uncensored website of the Hive of Dukes, Sunday Morning Animation, Living Evil, and also a resource on information against censorship!


We can thank our sassy websmistress Midge ( http://www.midgepotts.com ) for hooking us up with this kickass domain name, as well as our legal consultant and hero, First Amendment crusader Larry Walters, Esq. ( http://www.firstamendment.com )


We’re reapidly building up our anti-censorship info on the “First Amendment…” page above, and we’re also adding our portfolio in a tab above as soon as possible. :)


— keep it surreal,

— the mgmt.

Inspiration Don’t Come Cheap!

I would love to put in on making a manual on how to write, find your imagination, arrange the creative process and fish for thoughts, but it’s a chore left for each person, and an article best saved for an arts journal in the future.

I will, however, relinquish the music I personally listened to during the writing of the pilot episode of Living Evil.

The Melvins — Houdini —

The Melvins are one of my favorite bands, especially speaking about heavier bands. They rank up there with any of them, and they have continually put out ridiculous, pointless, amazing songs since a decade before I was born. I believe it all comes together in ‘Houdini’, which reasons the experimental qualities of the Butthole Surfers (Another favorite) with straightforward metal, all with a metallic crunch that would make Steve Albini climax. Fucking awesome record.

Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band — Trout Mask Replica ——-

This is not pandering to Mark Boston, who too his time out to record lines for the show. This isn’t a heartfelt tribute to the recently deceased genius Don Van Vliet (The eponymous Beefheart).

This is me stating that, for about a year now, any time I need to feel my mind working, any time I need to dissect the mental ramblings of my all-too-often cluttered mind, I go to Trout Mask Replica.

This is an archaic, experimental, and outwardly strange audio tape that any schizophrenic will tell you is five of the greatest rock records of all time, played at the same time, and sent to pressing.


TOOL — Lateralus ——-

This is, without a doubt, the meaning of an aural portrait, a mental mural that only happens when you hear this album with your eyes closed.

That is Tool’s specialty, and it is honed to perfection on 2001’s Lateralus. With the experimental qualities not usually typified by an often repetitive and idiosyncratic metal community. Its good to find the unique, and Tool is that. Tool is great at opening your consciousness in a way similiar to the feeling of listening to Indian or Pakistani music. Airy, free feelings are really easy to come by in Tool.  


Progress — I talked to James Destri, keyboard player of Blondie ( http://www.jimmydestri.com/ ), and also

 Jason Bittner of Shadows Fall ( http://shadowsfall.com/main/ )( http://www.jasonbittner.com/ )

about appearing on a few songs to appear on Living Evil, as well as Kenny Withrow of Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, who was interested by my interest in Beefheart, and decided to chat with me about the possiblity of appearing on the cartoon! ( http://www.newbohemians.com/ )

TRIVIA: If you’re a fan of the band the New Bohemians, you probably know this, but Edie is married to Paul Simon, who moonlights as a singer, while always falling back to his best gig, as God.



just call me Lester.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I (Tommy, aka Dottie Mogwai) feel after introducing my “favorites” phrase into the last post, that you guys know some of my favorite music, and I hope you read this and go and listen to new things, and do your own thing, if not with the slightest bit of inspiration from me. Here, below, is 13 of my favorite music albums, in no particular order;

*As I have, in my relatively short life, listened to over 100,000 albums, you cant expect me to bear every ONE of my favorites. But here are a few that are exceptional, where I love every song, and that I think deserve especial praise. More lists as such are sure to follow.*


“The Velvet Underground and Nico” by The Velvet Underground


(Included is the song ‘Sunday Morning’, which gave our humle studio its’ name.)

“Clear Spot” by Captain Beefheart


(Incuded is the song ‘Big Eyed Beans From Venus & Golden Birdies’ one of many great songs on this album)

“Pink Moon” by Nick Drake,


(Included is the song “Things Behind the Sun”, one of the more dark songs on the album, but dripping with pristine ebony gloss and ink, a mysterious questioning song.)

“Spiderland” by Slint,


(Inculded is the song “Good Morning, Captain”, the band’s best known song. It made me cry, as did several songs on this beautiful album, produced by our friend Steve Albini)

“The Hawk is Howling” by Mogwai.


(Included is the song “I Love You So Much, I’m Going to Blow Up Your School”. This song builds from gentle lower E blow-bends intoa full-blown wall of emotion.)

“Skeletons from the Closet” by Grateful Dead


(American song, one of my favorites that never gets dated. Normally I wouldn’t include a ‘best of’ album on this list, but it was released early enough that it doesnt cheapen the music within, it came out after Workingman’s Dead and American Beauty (Two of my very fav albums) )

“Everything that Happens Will Happen Today” by David Byrne and Brian Eno


(One of the most grandiose songs on this album, the culmination of an electric collaboration between two of music’s true greats, and they also came up with the greatest sample-based record ever, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, as well as a monstrous catalogue of hits in their own right. This album was my favorite of 2008.)

“Harvest Moon” by Neil Young


(A very bombastic and powerful song from the album, and this album is, if a list were made, my second favorite album of all time. Each song has made me cry at one point or another. Neil Young is god.)

“First Utterance” by Comus


(Included is ‘Song to Comus’, which I have gotten permission to use in the show at my convenience. :)   )

“One Nation Underground” by Pearls Before Swine


(I got permission to use this on a short film i was planning to make, but that movie fell through in a financial way. I was told by Wild Cat Records USA (I believe) owner Joe Phillips that I can use it so long as I didn’t make any money :) haha )

“69 Love Songs” by the Magnetic Fields


(This song is one of my favorites off of this monster album, I still revere Stephin Merritt as the greatest songwriter of all time, period, and this song is a great example. Made my father cry before he passed away, made me cry two minutes ago.)


“Songs About Fucking” by Big Black


(One of the only songs by Big Black that has a feeling, emotion to it that could be described as having emotions we ALL feel, this band was headed by Steve Albini, one of my heroes and a bg deal in the punk and indie scene.)

*REM and Frank Zappa, as well as numerous others, have been excluded due to the fact that they have so much amazing material, I would end up putting EVERY album on this list. I DID put American Beauty on here, so call me a hypocrite if you must*


– the mgmt.


Fallin’ Ditch Finally Got His Bones.

Rarely to the proper exaltation, but always of the utmost inspiration, Don van Vliet is one of my favorite singers, as well as the leader of one of te greatest bands of the 60’s-70’s. —

Or should I say WAS.

Without a single fucking soul informing me, I checked Captain Beefheart’s Wikipedia page every three weeks every month for the last 6 monthes, for inspiration, and to see if any recent developements had taken place.

I was talking to Jeff Mooridian, Jr., drummer of noise-rock band Vaz (Which I stylize VAZ or V@Z), and upon going to his page to send a message, I saw a few Beefheart videos, Don’s knowing gaze and second-thase goatee-and-hat attire drawing my eye in. As I further inspected it and nodded my head to a live version of ‘She’s Too Much For My Mirror’, which comes from Beefheart and the Magic Band’s 1969 avant-garde masterpiece Trout Mask Replica, one of my favorite albums of all time, in the same league as “The Velvet Underground and Nico” by The Velvet Underground.

I scrolled down about four centimeters, and I see an epitaph for Don Van Vliet, the enigmatic Captain Beefheart.

Don was a megalomaniac, who would do anything to see his vision followed to the letter. He frequently bullied other members of his band, including voice actor on our show, and former Magic Band bassist, Mark Boston, (Rockette Morton). He lied about his life, and was very stubborn to very genuine people who cared about him. But as it stands, as is the case with The United States of America’s Joe Byrd, and the Smashing Pumpkins’ Bill Corgan, it seems with talent, sometimes also comes an unavoidable need to self-destruct, and hurt those around you.

Despite this, Don was one of the most truly influential singers and inventive minds out there, and I dont know if Living Evil’s script would have been written if it wasnt for Trout Mask Replica.

We will always miss you captain.

“I will not sleep ’til I find you.” — Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band,’My Head is My Only House Unless it Rains”.


keep it surreal.

— Dottie Mogwai, on behalf of the Hive of Dukes,

—- the management

So much progress! :D

We are going along swimmingly with the  pre-production of Living Evil!

Our characters are finished with final designs (Pictures available in the ‘All in the Family’ tab above), we have the script all sent out, and we have voices recorded from the following people;

Doubleday — Ian James Corlett

Growthy —

Growthy (Evanthium) — Doc Harris

General Chaos — Rockette Morton

Sundial — Andy “Moose” Warywodo

Two Ton — Eric Anzalone

Roscoe ‘Dolla Bill’ Gentry — Ron ‘Ball’ Reace

Ruben Cukier, Argentinian Bullfrog — Ruben Cukier

Scott Stapp — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

America Jesus Jones — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Announcer — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Assistant to Ambassador Nippon —

Ambassador Nippon — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Pope Pius XI — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo


 As you an see, we have all the voices recorded with the exception of Growthy and Ambassador Nippon’s Assistant (We’re looking at George Takei for the role!)! :D

Happy Unholy-days to you and yours, from The Hive of Dukes!

,– The Management.