Tag Archives: porn

everything that happens will happen today.

Big big week! Yesterday was our biggest week so far in the production. We had a casting meeting, and we spoke to a lot of great actors who we have added to our ensemble, and their pending roles!

 They are;

Nick Endres — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ4Mokcag10

Ambassador Nippon

Assistant to Ambassador Nippon

Japanese Woman

Second String Two Ton (In the event that actor Eric Anzalone cannot record a voice for Two Ton, his auxilary will be Nick)


Mike Perlman — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INx5kcRwa1w




Dale DaBone — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fryc8ZyvVUw

Tod Howarth — (Guitarist, ex-Frehley’s Comet)

Terry Valderas — (guitarist, ex-Toadies)


(Note: Dale would like us to remind you to visit his website, http://hotrawks.com/ !! Open up and say RAW! If you like to fuck, go to HotRawks!)


Matt McVay — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9MPAApMBRI

Matthew Wages — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ7thSXKoKU

Ryan O’Callaghan — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUAwKi12OVI

Sean Moore — (No Reel)

All these people, and about three others, are trying out for the part of Scott Stapp. We have not reached a conclusive verdict, but we will in the upcoming weeks.


Derrick Matthew Gary — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48UmCYpglF4

The Sun




FOOD NOT BOMBS — http://www.foodnotbombs.net/


HOT RAWKS — http://hotrawks.com/


88.1 KDHX FM — http://kdhx.org/


DANBURY WESTERNERS — http://www.danburywesterners.com/


— Tommy “RED” Duke, sunday morning animation


the problem with music.






Abu Ahmet

(keep it surreal)

if you don’t like it, survey says ‘suck it’.

Today, I did a little rooting around at DINCAA (pronounced ‘Dinka’) studios on different subjects, and had a nice meeting of the minds with the two other bones of the Hive, the original framework, the original team, box. (Marcus), Sex Tornado (Ryan), and DW Merritt, aka Abu Ahmet, (me, Tommy).

This is especially relevant in that there has been something of a schism amongst two members of the Hive, but that is none of yours’ concern, and I’d hate to harp on it. I’ll let you know how THAT works out. We may go to more of the “retro” lineup of the Hive, namely box, S.T, and me, with our new intern Josh (who doesnt have a pseudonym yet). We will keep you posted.

Also, a quick mention on my stance towards Copyright. I cannot speak for the rest of the Hive, and we are a privately owned company, wherein the financial responsiblities and such  are owned by me, but the decisions of the group are made democratically for ease of deciding, as well as that all our thoughts are taken into account. Having said that, the copyright itself, on all articles created by the Hive, from the words I currently type, to the artwork on the site and in the videos we make, are licensed under a Creative Commons license. We do this because we believe in a free, non-commercial inter-spersal of ideas and images, for the love of art, for the projection of ideas and morals, and for the hobby of art. If a 5th grader saw Growthy in our header, and thought it looked cool, and cut the head out in Microsoft Paint, and put it on a new background, with new text, it is a new work! He isn’t profitting off of it (and consequentially, isn’t depriving us, the artists, of profit that helps us eat), it is totally fine to us. While we see the right of a person to protect their ideas (and moreover, their profits), we more importantly see that we should be able to freely re-mix, satirize, re-purpose and re-design the images of our near and distant past, for use in new art.

“Art makes life more comfortable for us, and, if we’re lucky, someone else too. ” – Abu Ahmet, (me)

Art is part of our primitive urge to create, to produce, to comment on, ridicule, understand, and show our thoughts to the outside world. Without art, in a more vast sense of the word, we’d live in a bland, un-feeling world.

So our small contribution to culture, if any, is for the purpose of making a statement. if 50 people read this sentence, and 10 of them are ignited in a fight against exclusive copyrights, that’s all worth it.

— Tommy, aka Abu Ahmet,

keeping it surreal.

continued arguments.

Here is the continuation of the piece; “An Argument For and Against Capitalism”

Person Five:  

my parents were poor as fuck but i supported them. they both were work a holics but they did not make enough cash to cover rent, bills and food. i moved away from home at 17 in 1980 but i still carried on supporting them because they did t…heir best as they slaved away at crap jobs , i saw it as my duty to help them out. capitalism is a nasty killer system. as a kid me and mom went out after the food stores shut to get the food they threw out. even tho the nasty guards threatened us with guns. saying rude shit to mom like “why don’t u come here and shop like “normal people”. my mom said “do u think we like to go through your garbage to get some food?, we paid our rent and not much was left for rent”. ah yes the u.s.a. the best nation on earth. what a bunch of SHIT!! i learned that at a young age. i think we must be self reliant. free of state control. stop being consumers of useless crap. i see all the debate about socialism vs capitalism. well how about folks going off the grid and becoming self reliant. sure as a kid in the ghetto in the 60s and 70s this was not really going on as far as i was aware.
i attended the black panther breakfast program in the late 60s because of my economic status, i am not black, so the reason i was accepted in the program was purely economic. it was a community effort for us kids in the ghetto.
i do think it is crazy to expect help from the greedy capitalists , after all they want us to be hooked to their system. my parents never applied for help via the system. they were immigrants anyways. after all the system was too busy waging wars around the world to gain profits for the greedy capitalist power structure. the main motto for capitalism is “expand or die”
here”s hoping there is a revolt in the u.s.! fight the power.
Person Two:  

Your views are negative against a group of people who are SAID to be capitlists. When you hear “capitalist”, you’ve been programmed to see an old white man swimming in a pool of money naked with a gold dollar sign medallion. This is old and… outdated thinking. EVERYONE has options for survival and to thrive. Capitalism is a very base system, and interpretations of that doctrine of individuality are varied and some are negative! But you blaming capitalism for all the ills of the world is like me blaming the doctrine of Christ for all the superstitious “god-inspired” murders, or the tragedy in Guyana. You cant blame an idea for real-life problems, its the institution of the ideas that become troublesome.
Person Three:  

I have seen many instances of Christianity that lived up to its Ideals. I have seen instances of socialism that have lived up to its ideals. I have seen instances in which both have failed. I have seen not one instance in which capitalism h…as been anything other than a greedy moral quagmire. Libertarians prate on about the free market being distorted by corporatism or corruption or conspiracies but they have never and can never show a single instance of their free market Utopia ever working anywhere at any time. And do you know why? Because you will NEVER get social benevolence out of a system based on cold blooded self-interests. I don’t care what Ayn Rand spouted on about the virtues of selfishness- Giraffes never breed Hippos.
Person Two: Ive never seen an example of socialism working in a real-life setting. That is why it is the moral version of a board game, or something of the like. Youre asking for a capitalistic UTOPIA, because you know a perfect society cant exist. Socialism IS utopianism, a giant pipe dream leading to its own defeat. Capitalism is great in that a business, ANY business, cannot exist without it. Certainly not Facebook, or whatever company makes your sex toys.
Person Three:  

There are plenty of instances in which socialism has worked or is working right now. Chiapas has been a socialist success for over a decade now. Venezuala despite the propaganda has lifted thousand out of dire poverty under Chavez. Others w…eren’t so lucky. The Anarcho-syndicalists in Northern Spain during the Civil War were successful until they were crushed by the combined force of Stalinism, Fascism, and Republicanism. In every instance capitalism unchecked has had to rely on radical state intervention to bail it out of its own mess because it cannibalizes the tax-created infrastructure every time. It is a pathetic mess. You have no argument. Every time I bring up a point you rely on simple minded rhetoric and never address the fact that most of the world is in abject poverty and most of the world is capitalist. Or you try for some juvenile ad hominem attack. Sex toys, really? Who needs that shit when you have skype and the numerous women who want your to utilize it with them. Well, numerous for me- for you it seems unlikely!
Person Two:  

I always address the point, but you choose to repeat the same entirely wrongly-minded points over and over again. I cant repeat myself to you EVERY time, but the point is, Chiapas is a violent part of a violent country, of which the entire …government is corrupt and the “kind’ socialistically sanctioned police force assaults the populace. Chavez is a sick bastard and also an anti-freedom of speech personality. Poverty is STILL ridiculous there, and crime and murder rates are some of the highest in the world. Chavez is also a dictator. How about your other hero, Castro? Lenin was an all-around dick as well! If Socialism creates quality, why are women regarded in the lowest way in Latin America and Cuba, and healthcare is despicable? As to the point you think Im avoiding, I.e., poverty? Poverty is a problem that has been around since the dawn of civilization, but all people are given the opportunity to GET a job in America because the capitalist “wage slavemasters” PAY people to work to make money, for them and their bosses. Most of the world, capitalist? Major countries follow a profit and work framework. For a group of people who seem to value labor so much, I dont see why you dont understand that people labor to make money, to buy things. Its simple. No commerce, no money, no THINGS, no comfort. Capitalism is what started this country, free enterprise, as well as enabling the POOR to work and survive. The government has no business babysitting everyone fm cradle to the grave.

As for the Anarcho-Syndicalists, any commune has not prospered unless it was really just people crashing in the same place. A “government-shaped” commune, with laws and a setup etc., have been failures.

Capitalism, as an idea, is great. In action, it is up to the person to make it work. Socialism relies upon a governmental power to organize, so any self-respecting liberty-minded individual, i.e., libertarian/anarchist type, would be sickened by the government having control of the entirety of the power behind life and death. Its a bullshit idea that is ENTIRELY impossible to implement in a developed nation like the US. Thats a promise.

Person Three:  

You no what it? I take it all back. Capitalism is precisely and efficiently successful. When a few are profiting at the expense of the many that is the measure of the success of an ideology that has no other concern in life other than profi…t at all costs. Hell, even fascism has some sense of a society or a community to justify it! Society, community, humanity in general- these only factor into the equation when it turns a buck. One can not think of an ideology that more closely approximates the world view of a sociopath. Capitalism is amorality elevated to a metaphysical principle. You can try to justify it through some bullshit belief in “meritocracy.” That “merit” is just the merit of a con-man being good at lying. I don’t care what you tell yourself to sleep at night. By definition capitalism is concerned with only profit. Only a moron tries to hem and haw about how this will magically transform into the good of all. It doesn’t and can’t by its very definition. I will never trick myself into believing white is black like you have. I though will stick to a rational and compassionate understanding of life.
Person Two:  

Your view is by no stretch of the imagination rational. To love others is a virtue, and to have family is a great choice, and helping the poor and the lesser-thans, so to speak, is fantastic. But all people who survive are being capitalists…. The problem that even INTELLIGENT leftist writers fail to understand is that they use compound terms like “capitalist government” as a means to create a visual of a cold, uncaring machine. “Amorality” is the choice of a person, and if a person IS a capitalist and chooses not to care about prisons or homeless people, that is his choice. But you and others like you seem to ignore that the people you hate, you hate not because of their political inclinations, its by their choices and how they present themselves. You cant think that capitalists are just waiting for things to become magically better, because it is up to PEOPLE to make it better. I think you’re negating people of other viewpoints is bigoted and rude, and as a former socialist and a prominent organizer of socialist ideaology, I CAN and WILL counter all your arguments with intellect and fervor. I am above making the crux of my argument a mere personal thing, and you seem to ignore that there are just as many people who are socialists who are cold, unfeeling people as there are in any other political facet. People are people, and just because you are a socialist doesnt make you an asshole. Mr. Ervin, above, who is a well-thought-out individual and a writer of several pamphlets which I have read, is not presenting himself as you are, as a sophomoric and ignorant prick, pissing on my leg over your pussy excuse for an argument. I am entirely opposed to your views of what has happened in the US, and I suggest you think about the error of wanting a welfare state, a state-socialist fascist empire where a rigid set of rules enslave the many just as you seem to think the government is doing now. There are problems in all civilizations, but on the whole, the United States is a place of individual freedom. Even as there are horrible issues with it, (I.e. the prison system, religious fundamentalism, murder), you can find those things in any continent on the globe. Dont dog America, because you are given the freedom to be your own person, whether you choose to take it or not.See More
We’re talking with Justin Moyer, aka Edie Sedgwick, about making a music video. We’ll keep you checked in on that!
— keep it surreal
— tom, (of the Hive)

Not Any More!

I’m working on casting the character of Growthy, the foulmouthed ex-con melted to the loveable Doubleday, ( https://smorning.wordpress.com/all-in-the-family/ , second and third down, respectively)

We’re talking to a lot of comedians and artists, from the Mentors ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddSyxhjTYiI )

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mentors )


To actor and friend Tim Holmes ( http://www.burningholmesfilms.com/burningholmesfilms/COMPANY_BIO.html )

Who is a really talented actor who appeared on several great movies and shows like “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “The Young and the Restless” and now, possibly, “The Drunk and the Narcissistic”, that is to say, Growthy on Living Evil.


We also called Pauly Shore, aka God. Below is a photo, but looking directly into Jehovah’s eyes can cause  you to go catatonic.


Music of the day?

Song: Orange Rolls, Angel’s Spit

Artist: Sonic Youth

Album: Dirty (1992)


— keep it surreal,

— the mgmt. (hive)

On and On and On


I’ve been rather busy this week, being productive and whatnot.

I came into a new flash drive to replace the old one, which had a bunch of random pictures on it that you can expect to see on new Sunday Morning releases.


I’ve been doing pictures for people on Facebook;


Making mashups for the soundtrack (Which i will be uploading for your listening and free downloading pleasure, via any of the website’s best file holders, which i will then plug for you, here or in the taskbar.


They will also be on YouTube, and linked courtesy of the videos and edia section to your upper right hand corner;



as well as making the newest teaser trailer for Living Evil;



Also, I wrote down at least 100 ideas with my co-producer Ryan (Pete Sexoffender)  for the show, and I will have pictures of our doodles available for viewing and downloading on here.


We have organized and linked and archived the almost ENTIRE soundtrack and we will have the list of available non-US youtube links and myspaces for the songs available, all current facebook/website data for the groups can be found, as per the usual, at



To be the man, you gotta beat the BACON!



keep it surreal,

the mgmt.

(from Johnny Plotkin)

So much progress! :D

We are going along swimmingly with the  pre-production of Living Evil!

Our characters are finished with final designs (Pictures available in the ‘All in the Family’ tab above), we have the script all sent out, and we have voices recorded from the following people;

Doubleday — Ian James Corlett

Growthy —

Growthy (Evanthium) — Doc Harris

General Chaos — Rockette Morton

Sundial — Andy “Moose” Warywodo

Two Ton — Eric Anzalone

Roscoe ‘Dolla Bill’ Gentry — Ron ‘Ball’ Reace

Ruben Cukier, Argentinian Bullfrog — Ruben Cukier

Scott Stapp — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

America Jesus Jones — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Announcer — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Assistant to Ambassador Nippon —

Ambassador Nippon — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Pope Pius XI — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo


 As you an see, we have all the voices recorded with the exception of Growthy and Ambassador Nippon’s Assistant (We’re looking at George Takei for the role!)! :D

Happy Unholy-days to you and yours, from The Hive of Dukes!

,– The Management.

Get out of the house!!

There has been a haircutting incident. I won’t go into it now, more importantly, Dokken’s manager says they won’t go on the show without MONEY, something we don’t have. I just fired off a few quick emails, to important people, and whatever, but you guys deserve to know that aside from grammar correction on the script, I have done NOTHING of any objective value on the show as of yesterday. However, we have gotten the beginning of the PROJECT GENOME PROJECT finished, we have 50 men and 50 women all chosen to represent the entirety of humanity, as it pertains to the cartoon. Fancy, huh? Free Leonard Peltier.DW, Owner, Sunday Morning ANimation

i gots a dog named toby.

#mobile# got a lot of calls in, and talked with a fella from the sacremento kings b-ball team. a productive day to say the very least.

space madness !.!

Excuse the casual nature and relatively short nature of this post. it is being texted from my personal phone. all further posts likewise will be
marked with the following annotation: #mobile# which should clear up any misconceptions in the future. working on the audio, yodelin kerry christensen is sending me audio and the crystal method may be on the show!!! – b.o.f. – t0mmy aka dw merritt, owner, sunday morning animation