Category Archives: comedy, animation, sunday, morning, porn, panda, korea, death, obama, living, evil, living evil,

Not Any More!

I’m working on casting the character of Growthy, the foulmouthed ex-con melted to the loveable Doubleday, ( , second and third down, respectively)

We’re talking to a lot of comedians and artists, from the Mentors ( )

( )


To actor and friend Tim Holmes ( )

Who is a really talented actor who appeared on several great movies and shows like “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “The Young and the Restless” and now, possibly, “The Drunk and the Narcissistic”, that is to say, Growthy on Living Evil.


We also called Pauly Shore, aka God. Below is a photo, but looking directly into Jehovah’s eyes can cause  you to go catatonic.


Music of the day?

Song: Orange Rolls, Angel’s Spit

Artist: Sonic Youth

Album: Dirty (1992)


— keep it surreal,

— the mgmt. (hive)

Get the Led out of your ass!

Today is a vacation from work, but I still am up-dating the website, and adding more and more to the censorship page above, please check it out, and dont forget to tell your friends about the fun-ter-tainment you can find here at :)


Led Zeppelin, though overrated by some, they dont nearly the credit that U2 gets, and I still think Led Zeppelin can trump about 3/4 of other comparable music of the era. ACDC was overrated, Black Sabbath crumbled too soon, Aerosmith fell to the floor and never really picked themselves up, the Eagles are great, but they are just craggety old men now. You see that point? Robert Plant might be a craggity old man now, and Im sure Jones and Page are too, but all the same, they left a big enough mark on music and culture that their implosion doesnt lessen their impact on music even today. :) (Tommy said all of this, and this view does not neccesarily represent the views of Sunday Morning Animation or its other members. Some rights reserved. May cause violent hemorrhagic kidney displacia) 

— (  = here-say)


— keep it surreal,

-- the mgmt. (hive)


I unintentionally tend to make long, spiely, all-encompassing posts and lists, but with my eclectic taste, I couldnt tell you all my favorite writers.

I will, however, give thanks to what may be one of my bigger influences in writing Living Evil, Mr. H.P. Lovecraft.

Lovecraft was best known for his science fiction and horror, but he was also a profound and talented poet. He once wrote;

Out of the reaches of illimitable night
The blazing planet grew, and forc’d to life
Unending cycles of progressive strife
And strange mutations of undying light

— “Waste Paper”, HP Lovecraft

He was a very dark and pessimistic writer, whose versions of the various worlds, and his cynical background, has been a VERY large  influence on my version of earth in Living Evil.

Here are a few links that go directly to freely published works of Lovecraft, mostly at Wikisource ( )




Here is my artistic rendering of Mr. Lovecraft — DW Merritt

—— keep it surreal

— the mgmt.

On and On and On


I’ve been rather busy this week, being productive and whatnot.

I came into a new flash drive to replace the old one, which had a bunch of random pictures on it that you can expect to see on new Sunday Morning releases.


I’ve been doing pictures for people on Facebook;!/profile.php?id=653349326&sk=info

Making mashups for the soundtrack (Which i will be uploading for your listening and free downloading pleasure, via any of the website’s best file holders, which i will then plug for you, here or in the taskbar.


They will also be on YouTube, and linked courtesy of the videos and edia section to your upper right hand corner;


as well as making the newest teaser trailer for Living Evil;


Also, I wrote down at least 100 ideas with my co-producer Ryan (Pete Sexoffender)  for the show, and I will have pictures of our doodles available for viewing and downloading on here.


We have organized and linked and archived the almost ENTIRE soundtrack and we will have the list of available non-US youtube links and myspaces for the songs available, all current facebook/website data for the groups can be found, as per the usual, at


To be the man, you gotta beat the BACON!



keep it surreal,

the mgmt.

(from Johnny Plotkin)


Over the last week, me and Ryan had a really great staircase brainstorming session on the subject of Growthy and Sundial as Characters, and we suffered what COULD have been a tremendous setback had I not had the forethought to backup the Living Evil pictures, vocieovers, music and script! An unnamed person lost my flash drive, and I had to transfer the softwares etc., onto my backup drive, which I am currently doing.


I dont know how often I have pointed out my favorite artists on here, but I am researching the artists whom I admire the most. I love all art to some degree, but my favoritess are below; With each person I have included one of their works which I enjoy.


Painting Pictured; Golconda.


Shirley Temple, The Youngest, Most Sacred Monster of the Cinema in Her Time




File:Francisco de Goya, Saturno devorando a su hijo (1819-1823).jpg

Saturn Devours His Son


Endangered Species, Bronze statue

And of course, my hero and unending muse, Andy Warhol, tragically deceased, father of pop art.

Green car Crash.

But the next artist is someone whom I have mentioned before on here, and he has become as much a mentor to me as an  inspiration, as well as collaborating with me on Living Evil. He is an Argentine painter, and he is really keeping the mental ideas of Surrealism alive and non-dated in his work.





— keep it surreal.

— the management.

Inspiration Don’t Come Cheap!

I would love to put in on making a manual on how to write, find your imagination, arrange the creative process and fish for thoughts, but it’s a chore left for each person, and an article best saved for an arts journal in the future.

I will, however, relinquish the music I personally listened to during the writing of the pilot episode of Living Evil.

The Melvins — Houdini —

The Melvins are one of my favorite bands, especially speaking about heavier bands. They rank up there with any of them, and they have continually put out ridiculous, pointless, amazing songs since a decade before I was born. I believe it all comes together in ‘Houdini’, which reasons the experimental qualities of the Butthole Surfers (Another favorite) with straightforward metal, all with a metallic crunch that would make Steve Albini climax. Fucking awesome record.

Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band — Trout Mask Replica ——-

This is not pandering to Mark Boston, who too his time out to record lines for the show. This isn’t a heartfelt tribute to the recently deceased genius Don Van Vliet (The eponymous Beefheart).

This is me stating that, for about a year now, any time I need to feel my mind working, any time I need to dissect the mental ramblings of my all-too-often cluttered mind, I go to Trout Mask Replica.

This is an archaic, experimental, and outwardly strange audio tape that any schizophrenic will tell you is five of the greatest rock records of all time, played at the same time, and sent to pressing.


TOOL — Lateralus ——-

This is, without a doubt, the meaning of an aural portrait, a mental mural that only happens when you hear this album with your eyes closed.

That is Tool’s specialty, and it is honed to perfection on 2001’s Lateralus. With the experimental qualities not usually typified by an often repetitive and idiosyncratic metal community. Its good to find the unique, and Tool is that. Tool is great at opening your consciousness in a way similiar to the feeling of listening to Indian or Pakistani music. Airy, free feelings are really easy to come by in Tool.  


Progress — I talked to James Destri, keyboard player of Blondie ( ), and also

 Jason Bittner of Shadows Fall ( )( )

about appearing on a few songs to appear on Living Evil, as well as Kenny Withrow of Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, who was interested by my interest in Beefheart, and decided to chat with me about the possiblity of appearing on the cartoon! ( )

TRIVIA: If you’re a fan of the band the New Bohemians, you probably know this, but Edie is married to Paul Simon, who moonlights as a singer, while always falling back to his best gig, as God.



A Recent Developement (The Projects) =^_^=

Look out folks, tomorrow, I’m uploading the eighth of our wonderful intermediaries for Living Evil. in the mean time, listen to this entire album end-to-end or your life is completely worthless;


I find that the more random the images and words on this website the more benef–  EDDIE VEDDER OF PEARL JAM!

… Have I made my point?


“Despite my justified opnion, I find myself arguing with you dickheads.” — Marcel “Dottie” Mogwai, aka Tommy, co-owner, Sunday Morning Animation (Snappy new name aint it? Others i’ve been toying around with include Hot Meat, and Father LoveBone)


A Fool and His Bacon are Soon Parted.  (Bacon Bits: The Gospel of Bacon as Interpreted by the Hive of Dukes)

A Fool and His Bacon are Soon Parted. (Bacon Bits: The Gospel of Bacon as Interpreted by the Hive of Dukes)


Keep it surreal, check in tomorrow for update #8.

Marcel “Dottie” Mogwai,


Hive of Dukes Surreal Media collective,

— the management.

So much progress! :D

We are going along swimmingly with the  pre-production of Living Evil!

Our characters are finished with final designs (Pictures available in the ‘All in the Family’ tab above), we have the script all sent out, and we have voices recorded from the following people;

Doubleday — Ian James Corlett

Growthy —

Growthy (Evanthium) — Doc Harris

General Chaos — Rockette Morton

Sundial — Andy “Moose” Warywodo

Two Ton — Eric Anzalone

Roscoe ‘Dolla Bill’ Gentry — Ron ‘Ball’ Reace

Ruben Cukier, Argentinian Bullfrog — Ruben Cukier

Scott Stapp — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

America Jesus Jones — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Announcer — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Assistant to Ambassador Nippon —

Ambassador Nippon — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Pope Pius XI — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo


 As you an see, we have all the voices recorded with the exception of Growthy and Ambassador Nippon’s Assistant (We’re looking at George Takei for the role!)! :D

Happy Unholy-days to you and yours, from The Hive of Dukes!

,– The Management.

Gettin’ Stoopid!


Part I == Gettin’ Stoopid!

If you listen to reggae music, you know the old standards. If you learned reggae from Brad Nowell and Sublime, then Slightly Stoopid is one act you definitely are familiar with. I have been a big Stoopid fan for many many moons, and I started listening to them when my uncle leant me a Sublime cd to listen to, and my musical interest in those genres spead out as such.

Slightly Stoopid have been blazing (pun intended) the charts, both on radio and on tour, first gaining popularity back in the new version of the good old days, the late eighties and early nineties, when Brad from Sublime signed them to his indie label while they were still in high school! 8 releases later, they’ve fused many genres and transcended barriers, and still are being creative and having fun.

Ever since, every good jam, reggae get-together, and otherwise all other Gen-X compilations wouldnt be complete without SS. We’re using two songs from the band’s cd “Slightly Not Stoned Enough To Eat Breakfast Yet Stoopid”

The Who Show!!!

I just got off the phone with France DiCarlo, aka the “Keith Moon” of The Who Show, the greatest tribute band this side of the English channel, as well as the drummer hailed by The Who lead singer Roger Daltrey as “Keith Moon channeled”.

We spoke for about half an hour, and we talked about every facet of the entertainment industry, from copyright, to my own journey in animation, and our combined fearlessness of big companies who excersize fascist-like creative control over music.

The Who Show are now officially added as a band in the “Kick out the Jams!” section, performing some of the greatest tunes of the Who, such as, but not limited to, greatest hits such as Baba O’Reilly and Behind Blue Eyes.

Also, I asked, completely improvised and un-planned for France to audition for the role of Growthy, which is also being auditioned for by guitar legend and former member of Frehley’s Comet, Tod Howarth, as well as a wealth of others.

Please go to their website at

Harry Connick Jr. is a no-go so far, by the way.