Tag Archives: skinheads

Not Any More!

I’m working on casting the character of Growthy, the foulmouthed ex-con melted to the loveable Doubleday, ( https://smorning.wordpress.com/all-in-the-family/ , second and third down, respectively)

We’re talking to a lot of comedians and artists, from the Mentors ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddSyxhjTYiI )

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mentors )


To actor and friend Tim Holmes ( http://www.burningholmesfilms.com/burningholmesfilms/COMPANY_BIO.html )

Who is a really talented actor who appeared on several great movies and shows like “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “The Young and the Restless” and now, possibly, “The Drunk and the Narcissistic”, that is to say, Growthy on Living Evil.


We also called Pauly Shore, aka God. Below is a photo, but looking directly into Jehovah’s eyes can cause  you to go catatonic.


Music of the day?

Song: Orange Rolls, Angel’s Spit

Artist: Sonic Youth

Album: Dirty (1992)


— keep it surreal,

— the mgmt. (hive)