Tag Archives: pizza

Charles In Charge? NO FUCKING WAY!!!

A very very fruitful writers and art collab meeting at Tikistudio with MM Doggy, this was bad ass. We got the software transferred to the base computer @ Tikistudio, ate some pizza, watched the show “Dexter”, and found myself thrown off by “777: and Other Qabalistic Writings”. I normally understand this man, as enigmatic and controversial as he may have been, for better, or for worse, but that kind of threw me a curveball. Anyhow, we got Sundial, Two Ton, the Lair Lair, and Suuuuuupermayor’s main motion cels finished. Marc (MM) will be visiting again tonight. I read Confuscious, the best of Daoism, the best of the best of buddhist texts, that crazy fucker Crowley,  and my favorite 1/2 scientist 1/2  sci-fi writer, Isaac Asimov. 


Best of funnies,

Tommy Null, Owner, Sunday Morning Animation