Tag Archives: nunmonkey

oh, my fur and whiskers!

We are busy as bees here at Sunday Morning Animation, both at my studio (MainStudio) and at Sex Tornado’s Studio (CannonballStudio) making things and bits and bumpers and editorial clippets.

I am working on commercials and transitions for Living Evil, as well as drawing up silly doodles for a side project of mine, a monthly comedic, surrealist adventure series, “The Adventures of HammerBunny and NunMonkey” (Pictures of all our side projects are put in the “Side Bin” section of our website).

Sex Tornado is working on two other of SMA’s series’ “The Adventures of Alpha Dot” and a possible new series involving characters similiar to Mega Man and Mario. Oooh, the suspense.

– Best of funnies,

DW MERRITT, Owner, sunday morning animation