Tag Archives: john bonham

Get the Led out of your ass!

Today is a vacation from work, but I still am up-dating the website, and adding more and more to the censorship page above, please check it out, and dont forget to tell your friends about the fun-ter-tainment you can find here at nocensors.com :)


Led Zeppelin, though overrated by some, they dont nearly the credit that U2 gets, and I still think Led Zeppelin can trump about 3/4 of other comparable music of the era. ACDC was overrated, Black Sabbath crumbled too soon, Aerosmith fell to the floor and never really picked themselves up, the Eagles are great, but they are just craggety old men now. You see that point? Robert Plant might be a craggity old man now, and Im sure Jones and Page are too, but all the same, they left a big enough mark on music and culture that their implosion doesnt lessen their impact on music even today. :) (Tommy said all of this, and this view does not neccesarily represent the views of Sunday Morning Animation or its other members. Some rights reserved. May cause violent hemorrhagic kidney displacia) 

— (  = here-say)


— keep it surreal,

-- the mgmt. (hive)