Tag Archives: jam

Inspiration Don’t Come Cheap!

I would love to put in on making a manual on how to write, find your imagination, arrange the creative process and fish for thoughts, but it’s a chore left for each person, and an article best saved for an arts journal in the future.

I will, however, relinquish the music I personally listened to during the writing of the pilot episode of Living Evil.

The Melvins — Houdini —

The Melvins are one of my favorite bands, especially speaking about heavier bands. They rank up there with any of them, and they have continually put out ridiculous, pointless, amazing songs since a decade before I was born. I believe it all comes together in ‘Houdini’, which reasons the experimental qualities of the Butthole Surfers (Another favorite) with straightforward metal, all with a metallic crunch that would make Steve Albini climax. Fucking awesome record.

Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band — Trout Mask Replica ——-

This is not pandering to Mark Boston, who too his time out to record lines for the show. This isn’t a heartfelt tribute to the recently deceased genius Don Van Vliet (The eponymous Beefheart).

This is me stating that, for about a year now, any time I need to feel my mind working, any time I need to dissect the mental ramblings of my all-too-often cluttered mind, I go to Trout Mask Replica.

This is an archaic, experimental, and outwardly strange audio tape that any schizophrenic will tell you is five of the greatest rock records of all time, played at the same time, and sent to pressing.


TOOL — Lateralus ——-

This is, without a doubt, the meaning of an aural portrait, a mental mural that only happens when you hear this album with your eyes closed.

That is Tool’s specialty, and it is honed to perfection on 2001’s Lateralus. With the experimental qualities not usually typified by an often repetitive and idiosyncratic metal community. Its good to find the unique, and Tool is that. Tool is great at opening your consciousness in a way similiar to the feeling of listening to Indian or Pakistani music. Airy, free feelings are really easy to come by in Tool.  


Progress — I talked to James Destri, keyboard player of Blondie ( http://www.jimmydestri.com/ ), and also

 Jason Bittner of Shadows Fall ( http://shadowsfall.com/main/ )( http://www.jasonbittner.com/ )

about appearing on a few songs to appear on Living Evil, as well as Kenny Withrow of Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, who was interested by my interest in Beefheart, and decided to chat with me about the possiblity of appearing on the cartoon! ( http://www.newbohemians.com/ )

TRIVIA: If you’re a fan of the band the New Bohemians, you probably know this, but Edie is married to Paul Simon, who moonlights as a singer, while always falling back to his best gig, as God.



Gettin’ Stoopid!


Part I == Gettin’ Stoopid!

If you listen to reggae music, you know the old standards. If you learned reggae from Brad Nowell and Sublime, then Slightly Stoopid is one act you definitely are familiar with. I have been a big Stoopid fan for many many moons, and I started listening to them when my uncle leant me a Sublime cd to listen to, and my musical interest in those genres spead out as such.

Slightly Stoopid have been blazing (pun intended) the charts, both on radio and on tour, first gaining popularity back in the new version of the good old days, the late eighties and early nineties, when Brad from Sublime signed them to his indie label while they were still in high school! 8 releases later, they’ve fused many genres and transcended barriers, and still are being creative and having fun.

Ever since, every good jam, reggae get-together, and otherwise all other Gen-X compilations wouldnt be complete without SS. We’re using two songs from the band’s cd “Slightly Not Stoned Enough To Eat Breakfast Yet Stoopid”