Tag Archives: holidays

everything that happens will happen today.

Big big week! Yesterday was our biggest week so far in the production. We had a casting meeting, and we spoke to a lot of great actors who we have added to our ensemble, and their pending roles!

 They are;

Nick Endres — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ4Mokcag10

Ambassador Nippon

Assistant to Ambassador Nippon

Japanese Woman

Second String Two Ton (In the event that actor Eric Anzalone cannot record a voice for Two Ton, his auxilary will be Nick)


Mike Perlman — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INx5kcRwa1w




Dale DaBone — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fryc8ZyvVUw

Tod Howarth — (Guitarist, ex-Frehley’s Comet)

Terry Valderas — (guitarist, ex-Toadies)


(Note: Dale would like us to remind you to visit his website, http://hotrawks.com/ !! Open up and say RAW! If you like to fuck, go to HotRawks!)


Matt McVay — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9MPAApMBRI

Matthew Wages — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ7thSXKoKU

Ryan O’Callaghan — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUAwKi12OVI

Sean Moore — (No Reel)

All these people, and about three others, are trying out for the part of Scott Stapp. We have not reached a conclusive verdict, but we will in the upcoming weeks.


Derrick Matthew Gary — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48UmCYpglF4

The Sun




FOOD NOT BOMBS — http://www.foodnotbombs.net/


HOT RAWKS — http://hotrawks.com/


88.1 KDHX FM — http://kdhx.org/


DANBURY WESTERNERS — http://www.danburywesterners.com/


— Tommy “RED” Duke, sunday morning animation



We are now the proud owners of www.nocensors.com  , the official and uncensored website of the Hive of Dukes, Sunday Morning Animation, Living Evil, and also a resource on information against censorship!


We can thank our sassy websmistress Midge ( http://www.midgepotts.com ) for hooking us up with this kickass domain name, as well as our legal consultant and hero, First Amendment crusader Larry Walters, Esq. ( http://www.firstamendment.com )


We’re reapidly building up our anti-censorship info on the “First Amendment…” page above, and we’re also adding our portfolio in a tab above as soon as possible. :)


— keep it surreal,

— the mgmt.

A Recent Developement (The Projects) =^_^=

Look out folks, tomorrow, I’m uploading the eighth of our wonderful intermediaries for Living Evil. in the mean time, listen to this entire album end-to-end or your life is completely worthless;



I find that the more random the images and words on this website the more benef–  EDDIE VEDDER OF PEARL JAM!

… Have I made my point?


“Despite my justified opnion, I find myself arguing with you dickheads.” — Marcel “Dottie” Mogwai, aka Tommy, co-owner, Sunday Morning Animation (Snappy new name aint it? Others i’ve been toying around with include Hot Meat, and Father LoveBone)


A Fool and His Bacon are Soon Parted.  (Bacon Bits: The Gospel of Bacon as Interpreted by the Hive of Dukes)

A Fool and His Bacon are Soon Parted. (Bacon Bits: The Gospel of Bacon as Interpreted by the Hive of Dukes)


Keep it surreal, check in tomorrow for update #8.

Marcel “Dottie” Mogwai,


Hive of Dukes Surreal Media collective,

— the management.

So much progress! :D

We are going along swimmingly with the  pre-production of Living Evil!

Our characters are finished with final designs (Pictures available in the ‘All in the Family’ tab above), we have the script all sent out, and we have voices recorded from the following people;

Doubleday — Ian James Corlett

Growthy —

Growthy (Evanthium) — Doc Harris

General Chaos — Rockette Morton

Sundial — Andy “Moose” Warywodo

Two Ton — Eric Anzalone

Roscoe ‘Dolla Bill’ Gentry — Ron ‘Ball’ Reace

Ruben Cukier, Argentinian Bullfrog — Ruben Cukier

Scott Stapp — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

America Jesus Jones — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Announcer — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Assistant to Ambassador Nippon —

Ambassador Nippon — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo

Pope Pius XI — Andy ‘Moose’ Warywodo


 As you an see, we have all the voices recorded with the exception of Growthy and Ambassador Nippon’s Assistant (We’re looking at George Takei for the role!)! :D

Happy Unholy-days to you and yours, from The Hive of Dukes!

,– The Management.