Tag Archives: daltrey

The Who Show!!!

I just got off the phone with France DiCarlo, aka the “Keith Moon” of The Who Show, the greatest tribute band this side of the English channel, as well as the drummer hailed by The Who lead singer Roger Daltrey as “Keith Moon channeled”.

We spoke for about half an hour, and we talked about every facet of the entertainment industry, from copyright, to my own journey in animation, and our combined fearlessness of big companies who excersize fascist-like creative control over music.

The Who Show are now officially added as a band in the “Kick out the Jams!” section, performing some of the greatest tunes of the Who, such as, but not limited to, greatest hits such as Baba O’Reilly and Behind Blue Eyes.

Also, I asked, completely improvised and un-planned for France to audition for the role of Growthy, which is also being auditioned for by guitar legend and former member of Frehley’s Comet, Tod Howarth, as well as a wealth of others.

Please go to their website at http://www.thewhoshow.com/

Harry Connick Jr. is a no-go so far, by the way.