Tag Archives: belt

Soundtrack night(E=MC-HAMMER)

Tonight, I am staying over out of the office, and I am seriously getting down to the business of archiving the soundtrack, which is mostly done! we have all the music logged, except for some of the hard copy. Tonight will be spent cuddling up with ;

RONAN STONE — www.myspace.com/ronanstone

THE VAN ALLEN BELT — http://www.myspace.com/thevabelt


THE CAN KICKERS — http://www.cankickers.com/


We also officially got the licensing in for our Creative Commons license.

I’ll save my intellectual property rants for another day and another article, but the beef of the matter is, we aren’t assholes who hold a stronghold over our work when a bevvy of creativity is out there waiting to happen. If we can have a part in that, we’re proud :)


In far less thrilling news, I received word that our favorite St. Louis thrash heads Head On Collision, are on hiatus. This means they could be broken up forever, or just waiting to get back together an jam. While you wait, please enjoy the rest of the music on our soundtrack, available at this link; https://smorning.wordpress.com/sponsors-and-contributors/ 


I’ll message you all with further news when it gets to me,

until then, keep it surreal.

— the management.

King Bacon, NOT Mark Wahlberg

Bow to bacon!

*Above is a picture of god, Kevin Bacon. Note: He is NOT Mark Wahlberg.*